Im using Asp.net (VB.net), in my Database :

  • have One table called (Trade), the same rows of this table are used from 3 different users, These users can make different updates on this table, they should see the basic informations of the table (I mean by the Basic, before the table (trade) has been updated)
  • The problem is here when the first user wants to modify the table's rows, the second and third user cannot see the basic information any more, and if they decide to change or update some data, the first will lose his updated rows..

The data will be overwritten every time the users make updates on the table.

What I want, is to know if there is a way to do like a copy, or an image of the table for the 3 users, and every user can update normally, without creating the same Table with the same rows 3 times??!

Update My table structure is: Trade(trName, Carrier, POl, POD, Vgp, Qgp) There is no primary key..

Thank you..


1 回答 1


您的问题的解决方案可能是原始表的两个副本。始终向用户显示原始表格作为初始数据。并且在第二个表中始终保持更新的数据。现在技巧来维护日志,因为您必须维护日志表,该表将包含原始表的所有字段以及一个附加列“UserId”,这将具有更改了用户的 ID价值。现在每次更新数据之前,将其复制到日志表中。如果这适合您的需要,然后发布您的表格字段,那么我们可以在表格结构上进行锻炼。

于 2013-08-26T10:41:21.140 回答