我认为这将是一个没有问题的人,但由于某种原因找不到任何关于这个问题的东西 - 有没有办法只从 egit 推送特定文件?我们的存储库包含大量我主要不感兴趣的文件,每次我尝试推送时,我都会在我不关心的文件中收到许多 DIRTY_TREE 错误。右键单击一个文件,然后尝试推送,只是尝试推送整个存储库
我正在使用 mac 中的 Eclipse Juno 和 BitBucket 存储库


1 回答 1


Git push deals with commit objects, not with files. If you want to push specific files, you have to make a commit that contains only those files. In your case, you might want to look at the git update-index --assume-unchanged <files> command, or at the .git/info/exclude file, which is like .gitignore except it's for your local repository only (doesn't get shared with the upstream repo).

于 2013-08-26T07:44:02.930 回答