
     #import "DashViewController.h"

@interface DashViewController ()


@implementation DashViewController

- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil
    self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil];
    if (self) {
        // Custom initialization
    return self;

- (IBAction)backb:(id)sender{
    [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];

- (IBAction)loadanim:(id)sender{
    [self moveIcons];


    CGRect framehi = homeIcon.frame;
    framehi.origin.x = 15;
    framehi.origin.y = 70;
    CGRect framehl = homeLabel.frame;
    framehl.origin.x = -8;
    framehl.origin.y = 136;

    CGRect framesmi = smediaIcon.frame;
    framesmi.origin.x = 131;
    framesmi.origin.y = 70;
    CGRect framesml = smediaLabel.frame;
    framesml.origin.x = 108;
    framesml.origin.y = 136;

    CGRect framemi = mediaIcon.frame;
    framemi.origin.x = 249;
    framemi.origin.y = 70;
    CGRect frameml = mediaLabel.frame;
    frameml.origin.x = 225;
    frameml.origin.y = 136;

    CGRect frameni = newsIcon.frame;
    frameni.origin.x = 15;
    frameni.origin.y = 211;
    CGRect framenl = newsLabel.frame;
    framenl.origin.x = -8;
    framenl.origin.y = 277;

    CGRect framebi = bullyIcon.frame;
    framebi.origin.x = 131;
    framebi.origin.y = 211;
    CGRect framebl = bullyLabel.frame;
    framebl.origin.x = 108;
    framebl.origin.y = 277;

    CGRect framespi = sportsIcon.frame;
    framespi.origin.x = 249;
    framespi.origin.y = 211;
    CGRect framespl = sportsLabel.frame;
    framespl.origin.x = 225;
    framespl.origin.y = 277;

    CGRect framesti = staffIcon.frame;
    framesti.origin.x = 15;
    framesti.origin.y = 355;
    CGRect framestl = staffLabel.frame;
    framestl.origin.x = -8;
    framestl.origin.y = 421;

    CGRect framehbi = handbookIcon.frame;
    framehbi.origin.x = 131;
    framehbi.origin.y = 355;
    CGRect framehbl = handbookLabel.frame;
    framehbl.origin.x = 108;
    framehbl.origin.y = 421;

    CGRect frameai = aboutIcon.frame;
    frameai.origin.x = 249;
    frameai.origin.y = 355;
    CGRect frameal = aboutLabel.frame;
    frameal.origin.x = 225;
    frameal.origin.y = 421;

    [UIView animateWithDuration:0.3 animations:^{
        homeIcon.frame = framehi;
        homeLabel.frame = framehl;
        smediaIcon.frame = framesmi;
        smediaLabel.frame = framesml;
        mediaIcon.frame = framemi;
        mediaLabel.frame = frameml;
        newsIcon.frame = frameni;
        newsLabel.frame = framenl;
        bullyIcon.frame = framebi;
        bullyLabel.frame = framebl;
        sportsIcon.frame = framespi;
        sportsLabel.frame = framespl;
        staffIcon.frame = framesti;
        staffLabel.frame = framestl;
        handbookIcon.frame = framehbi;
        handbookLabel.frame = framehbl;
        aboutIcon.frame = frameai;
        aboutLabel.frame = frameal;


- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [super viewDidAppear:animated];
    [self moveIcons];

- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
    [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.


2 回答 2


您不应该将与几何相关的代码放入viewDIdLoad其中,因为此时尚未设置视图框架。在视图显示在屏幕上之前,动画代码也没有任何意义 - 尝试将其移动到viewDidAppear.



-您调用来自viewDiDAppear和来自按钮操作的相同方法[self animate]; - 调用 from viewDidAppear,它不会运行。从按钮操作调用,它确实如此。



- (void) animate {
      CGRect framehi = homeIcon.frame;
      framehi.origin.x = 15;
      framehi.origin.y = 70;

     [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil];
     [UIView setAnimationDuration: 0.25];

     homeIcon.frame = framehi;

     [UIView commitAnimations];


   NSLog(@"pre-animated frame: %@",NSStringFromCGRect(homeIcon.frame);
   [self animate];
   NSLog(@"post-animated frame: %@",NSStringFromCGRect(homeIcon.frame);



将此日志语句放在所有相关方法的开头: NSLog(@"%s",__func__); 它将准确显示何时调用了哪些方法。



  [UIView animateWithDuration:0.5 animations:^{
          homeIcon.frame = framehi;






于 2013-08-26T03:19:49.183 回答

像现在一样从 viewDidLoad 中删除所有内容,然后将 viewDidAppear 中的代码更改为以下内容:

- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [super viewDidAppear:animated];

    CGRect framehi = homeIcon.frame;
    framehi.origin.x = 15;
    framehi.origin.y = 70;
    CGRect framehl = homeLabel.frame;
    framehl.origin.x = -8;
    framehl.origin.y = 136;

    CGRect framesmi = smediaIcon.frame;
    framesmi.origin.x = 131;
    framesmi.origin.y = 70;
    CGRect framesml = smediaLabel.frame;
    framesml.origin.x = 108;
    framesml.origin.y = 136;

    CGRect framemi = mediaIcon.frame;
    framemi.origin.x = 249;
    framemi.origin.y = 70;
    CGRect frameml = mediaLabel.frame;
    frameml.origin.x = 225;
    frameml.origin.y = 136;

    CGRect frameni = newsIcon.frame;
    frameni.origin.x = 15;
    frameni.origin.y = 211;
    CGRect framenl = newsLabel.frame;
    framenl.origin.x = -8;
    framenl.origin.y = 277;

    CGRect framebi = bullyIcon.frame;
    framebi.origin.x = 131;
    framebi.origin.y = 211;
    CGRect framebl = bullyLabel.frame;
    framebl.origin.x = 108;
    framebl.origin.y = 277;

    CGRect framespi = sportsIcon.frame;
    framespi.origin.x = 249;
    framespi.origin.y = 211;
    CGRect framespl = sportsLabel.frame;
    framespl.origin.x = 225;
    framespl.origin.y = 277;

    CGRect framesti = staffIcon.frame;
    framesti.origin.x = 15;
    framesti.origin.y = 355;
    CGRect framestl = staffLabel.frame;
    framestl.origin.x = -8;
    framestl.origin.y = 421;

    CGRect framehbi = handbookIcon.frame;
    framehbi.origin.x = 131;
    framehbi.origin.y = 355;
    CGRect framehbl = handbookLabel.frame;
    framehbl.origin.x = 108;
    framehbl.origin.y = 421;

    CGRect frameai = aboutIcon.frame;
    frameai.origin.x = 249;
    frameai.origin.y = 355;
    CGRect frameal = aboutLabel.frame;
    frameal.origin.x = 225;
    frameal.origin.y = 421;

    [UIView animateWithDuration:0.3 animations:^{
        homeIcon.frame = framehi;
        homeLabel.frame = framehl;
        smediaIcon.frame = framesmi;
        smediaLabel.frame = framesml;
        mediaIcon.frame = framemi;
        mediaLabel.frame = frameml;
        newsIcon.frame = frameni;
        newsLabel.frame = framenl;
        bullyIcon.frame = framebi;
        bullyLabel.frame = framebl;
        sportsIcon.frame = framespi;
        sportsLabel.frame = framespl;
        staffIcon.frame = framesti;
        staffLabel.frame = framestl;
        handbookIcon.frame = framehbi;
        handbookLabel.frame = framehbl;
        aboutIcon.frame = frameai;
        aboutLabel.frame = frameal;
于 2013-08-26T04:54:54.647 回答