我有一个为宽度、高度、位置等设置了一堆变量的插件。如何修改我的灯箱插件,以便在使用选择器初始化插件时可以设置设置选项(设置变量)?我是 jQuery 的中级,并且没有制作很多插件。



$.fn.scpopup = function(){

    // Settings Variables
    var linkType        = "iframe";     // iframe, inline, html, image
    var scWidth         = "65%";        // Width of popup container (in px, % or auto)
    var scHeight        = "auto";       // Height of popup container (in px, % or auto)
    var popupMaxWidth   = "700px;";     // Max width of popup container (in px, % or auto)
    var popupMaxHeight  = "auto";       // Max width of popup container (in px, % or auto)
    var popupTheme      = "test";       // Popup theme name (is an additional class added to parent)
    var activeClass     = "active";     // Class name to use for active elements
    var popupPosition   = "fixed";      // absolute, fixed
    var effectOpen      = "";           // Popup opening effect
    var effectClose     = "";           // Popup closing effect

    var htmlContent     = "<h2>Title</h2><p>This content will go into the popup.</p>";           // Must set linkType to html

    // Functions to Specify Width and Height of Popup
    function scpopupWidth(scW) {
        $('#scpopup').css({'position' : popupPosition, 'margin-left' : '-' + scW/2 + 'px'});
    function scpopupHeight(scH) {
        $('#scpopup').css({'position' : popupPosition, 'margin-top' : '-' + scH/2 + 'px'});

    // Append Backdrop and Content Container
    $('body').append('<div class="popupbackdrop"></div>');
    $('body').append('<div id="scpopup" class="scpopup"><div id="scpopupouter"><div id="scpopupinner"><div id="scpopuptitle"></div><div id="scpopupsubtitle"></div><div id="scpopupholder"><div id="scpopupcontent"></div><div class="clear"></div></div><div class="clear"></div></div><div class="clear"></div></div>');

    // Set Width and Height of Outer Container


    // Click Event: Open
    $(this).on('click', function(e){

        // Margin/Width/Height for Popup

        // Setting Body/HTML tags to 100% width and height
        $('body', 'html').css({'width' : '100%', 'height' : '100%'});

        // Transitions

        // Empty Title/Subtitle Holders on Click
        $('#scpopuptitle, #scpopupsubtitle').empty();

        // Load Title/Subtitles on Click

        // Link Type (linkType)
        if(linkType == 'iframe'){
                $('<iframe>', {src: this.href})
            //$('#scpopupcontent').empty().append('<iframe src="' + this.href + '"></iframe>');
        }else if(linkType == 'inline'){
        }else if(linkType == 'html') {
        }else if(linkType == 'image') {

    // Click Event: Close
    $('div.popupbackdrop').on('click', function(e){


2 回答 2




教程创建一个 jquery 插件

jQuery 插件中的选项

于 2013-08-26T00:54:45.237 回答

如果 Tushar Gupta 能够提供帮助,那将会很有帮助。几天来,我一直在摆弄选项功能,而我一直缺少的是,在设置了每个选项后var default,我必须在options.整个代码中添加到每个项目。我刚刚了解到options.必须投入其中,现在事情开始对我有用。


// Settings Variables
var linkType        = "iframe";     // iframe, inline, html, image
var scWidth         = "65%";        // Width of popup container (in px, % or auto)
var scHeight        = "auto";       // Height of popup container (in px, % or auto)
var popupMaxWidth   = "700px;";     // Max width of popup container (in px, % or auto)
var popupMaxHeight  = "auto";       // Max width of popup container (in px, % or auto)
var popupTheme      = "test";       // Popup theme name (is an additional class added to parent)
var activeClass     = "active";     // Class name to use for active elements
var popupPosition   = "fixed";      // absolute, fixed
var effectOpen      = "";           // Popup opening effect
var effectClose     = "";           // Popup closing effect

var htmlContent     = "<h2>Title</h2><p>This content will go into the popup.</p>";           // Must set linkType to html


    var defaults = {

        // Settings Variables
        linkType        : "iframe",     // iframe, inline, html, image
        scWidth         : "65%",        // Width of popup container (in px, % or auto)
        scHeight        : "auto",       // Height of popup container (in px, % or auto)
        popupMaxWidth   : "700px;",     // Max width of popup container (in px, % or auto)
        popupMaxHeight  : "auto",       // Max width of popup container (in px, % or auto)
        popupTheme      : "test",       // Popup theme name (is an additional class added to parent)
        activeClass     : "active",     // Class name to use for active elements
        popupPosition   : "fixed",      // absolute, fixed
        effectOpen      : "",           // Popup opening effect
        effectClose     : "",            // Popup closing effect
        htmlContent     : "<h2>Title</h2><p>This content will go into the popup.</p>" // Must set linkType to html

    var options = $.extend(defaults, options);




于 2013-08-27T20:43:11.307 回答