我想展示帖子数量最多的 5 个线程,但我有点坏了,我什至无法想象该怎么做
id | thread | subject | body ________________________________________________________ 1 | NULL | Thread1 | this is the body of the first thread id1 2 | 1 | NULL | post id2 in the first thread id1 3 | NULL | Thread2 | this is the body of the 2nd thread id3 4 | 2 | NULL | post id4 in the second thread id4 5 | 2 | NULL | post id4 in the second thread id5 6 | NULL | Thread3 | this is the body of the 3rd thread id6 7 | 6 | NULL | post id4 in the third thread id7 8 | 6 | NULL | post id4 in the third thread id8 9 | 6 | NULL | post id4 in the third thread id9
thread3 thread2 thread1
我应该做一个单独的查询?,我的意思是 2 而不是只有一个,如何?