我正在为 RESTful API 开发一个 Web 客户端。假设已经公开了两种类型的 API(针对同一任务)。

  1. 作为 URL 路径一部分的参数(即 /api/resource/parametervalue )
  2. 参数作为查询参数(即 /api/resource?parameter=value )



2 回答 2


Option 2 is the way to go. If your parameters aren't resources, there's no reason for them to be endpoints. It's just going to clutter up your API. And what if you have two or three or ten parameters? Is the client supposed to remember the exact order they go in? What if they only want to specify parameters 2, 3, and 7? Do you really want to have to write the back end that figures out exactly what the call should be?

于 2013-08-26T01:07:53.427 回答

我认为最好使用第二个选项 - 作为查询参数。我的观点基于:

  1. 这是 HTTP 的标准形式,用于处理 GET 请求。
  2. Key\value 样式易于解析。
于 2013-08-25T20:12:48.740 回答