我想在 Spring(版本:3.3.0.RELEASE)工具中从模板创建一个新的 Heroku 应用程序。我已经成功登录并在 Spring 和 herocu 网络帐户中加载了正确的 ssh 密钥。此外,我的项目少于 5 个(未达到限制),每次我尝试启动新项目并设置“Spring MVC 和 Tomcat 应用程序”并单击“完成”时都会出现错误:
We have encountered a problem creating your application: shielded-retreat-3014. This could be due to the Eclipse SSH key is not matching the SSH key(s) that is associated with your Heroku account. To fix this error, you can:
- Associate your SSH key to your Heroku account by going to "Preferences"
- If the SSH Key is correct, restart Eclipse.
git@heroku.com:shielded-retreat-3014.git: reject HostKey: heroku.com
就在错误之后,应用程序正在 heroku 网络帐户上创建。
即使我重新启动 Eclipse 并尝试导入现有项目(是的,它看到它)“自动检测:Maven”和“常规项目”也不起作用,也会发生同样的错误。