我正在尝试创建一个与 WorldPay 一起使用的支付网关,所以我基本上是在破解一个 PayPal 网关来实现结果。
我已经将所有东西都连接到 WorldPay 测试页面并正确传递数据,除了一个字段 - 金额。
我需要动态传递金额,但 WorldPay 仅提供硬编码金额的说明。
我在这里看过其他几篇关于与 WorldPay 集成的帖子,但似乎没有任何帮助。
我在这里看过的页面是: WORLDPAY 使用 php 集成 使用 WorldPay 验证支付金额
* Retreive the paypal vars needed to send to the gatway to proceed with payment
* @param EM_Booking $EM_Booking
function get_paypal_vars($EM_Booking){
global $wp_rewrite, $EM_Notices;
$notify_url = $this->get_payment_return_url();
$paypal_vars = array(
'instId' => '211616',
'testMode' => '100',
'business' => get_option('em_'. $this->gateway . "_email" ),
'authMode' => 'A',
'upload' => 1,
'amount' => $price(),
'currency' => get_option('dbem_bookings_currency', 'GBP'),
'desc' => 'Description Goes Here',
'accId1' => '211616',
'cartId' => 'temp123',
'notify_url' =>$notify_url,
'charset' => 'UTF-8'
if( get_option('em_'. $this->gateway . "_lc" ) ){
$paypal_vars['lc'] = get_option('em_'. $this->gateway . "_lc" );
//tax is added regardless of whether included in ticket price, otherwise we can't calculate post/pre tax discounts
if( $EM_Booking->get_price_taxes() > 0 ){
$paypal_vars['tax_cart'] = round($EM_Booking->get_price_taxes(), 2);
if( get_option('em_'. $this->gateway . "_return" ) != "" ){
$paypal_vars['return'] = get_option('em_'. $this->gateway . "_return" );
if( get_option('em_'. $this->gateway . "_cancel_return" ) != "" ){
$paypal_vars['cancel_return'] = get_option('em_'. $this->gateway . "_cancel_return" );
if( get_option('em_'. $this->gateway . "_format_logo" ) !== false ){
$paypal_vars['cpp_logo_image'] = get_option('em_'. $this->gateway . "_format_logo" );
if( get_option('em_'. $this->gateway . "_border_color" ) !== false ){
$paypal_vars['cpp_cart_border_color'] = get_option('em_'. $this->gateway . "_format_border" );
$count = 1;
foreach( $EM_Booking->get_tickets_bookings()->tickets_bookings as $EM_Ticket_Booking ){ /* @var $EM_Ticket_Booking EM_Ticket_Booking */
//divide price by spaces for per-ticket price
//we divide this way rather than by $EM_Ticket because that can be changed by user in future, yet $EM_Ticket_Booking will change if booking itself is saved.
$price = $EM_Ticket_Booking->get_price() / $EM_Ticket_Booking->get_spaces();
if( $price > 0 ){
$paypal_vars['item_name_'.$count] = wp_kses_data($EM_Ticket_Booking->get_ticket()->name);
$paypal_vars['quantity_'.$count] = $EM_Ticket_Booking->get_spaces();
$paypal_vars['amount_'.$count] = round($price,2);
//calculate discounts, if any:
$discount = $EM_Booking->get_price_discounts_amount('pre') + $EM_Booking->get_price_discounts_amount('post');
if( $discount > 0 ){
$paypal_vars['discount_amount_cart'] = $discount;
return apply_filters('em_gateway_paypal_get_paypal_vars', $paypal_vars, $EM_Booking, $this);