我正在尝试使用他们在自述文件中给出的说明在 Windows 上制作http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~manuel/hypervolume (版本 2.0),即安装 MINGW 并运行“make mex”,但是我不断收到此错误:

$ make mex
mex  -D VARIANT=4 Hypervolume_MEX.c hv.c
mex.exe: Invalid command-line option
mex.exe: Data: unknown option
make: *** [mex] Error 1


  • Guillaume Jacquenot 为 MATLAB (Hypervolume_MEX.c) 贡献了一个 MEX 接口。用来make mex编译它。



1 回答 1


Within matlab change directories to the location of the hypervolume code, then run

mex -DVARIANT=4 Hypervolume_MEX.c hv.c avl.c

at the matlab command prompt. If your c compiler is set up correctly within matlab this should generate an executable named Hypervolume_MEX.xxx (dll in my case).

edit I used the matlab compiler (Lcc C 2.4) on Matlab 7. No luck with Visual Studio 6 or Watcom 10.6 compilers (although I did not attempt to debug).

于 2013-08-25T19:42:13.783 回答