我一直在尝试从 Morphia 网站获取示例代码,但收效甚微,我想知道为什么下面的代码片段会失败?
public class DBUtil {
private static Mongo mongo;
private static Datastore ds;
private static Morphia morphia;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
mongo = new MongoClient(new ServerAddress(Consts.DatabaseHost,
morphia = new Morphia();
ds = morphia.createDatastore(mongo, Consts.DatabaseName);
DB db = Mongo.connect(new DBAddress(Consts.DatabaseHost,
Consts.DatabasePort, Consts.DatabaseName));
ds.save(new Employee("Mister", "GOD", null, 0));
// get an employee without a manager
Employee boss = ds.find(Employee.class).field("manager")
Key<Employee> scottsKey = ds.save(new Employee("Scott",
"Hernandez", ds.getKey(boss), 150 * 1000));
// add Scott as an employee of his manager
UpdateResults<Employee> res = ds.update(
// get Scott's boss; the same as the one above.
Employee scottsBoss = ds.find(Employee.class)
.filter("underlings", scottsKey).get();
for (Employee e : ds.find(Employee.class, "manager", boss))
} catch (UnknownHostException e1) {
class Employee {
public Employee(String firstName, String lastName, Object object, int i) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
manager = new Key<Employee>(Employee.class, object);
// auto-generated, if not set (see ObjectId)
@Id ObjectId id;
// value types are automatically persisted
String firstName, lastName;
// only non-null values are stored
Long salary = null;
// by default fields are @Embedded
Address address;
//references can be saved without automatic loading
Key<Employee> manager;
//refs are stored**, and loaded automatically
@Reference List<Employee> underlings = new ArrayList<Employee>();
// stored in one binary field
//@Serialized EncryptedReviews;
//fields can be renamed
@Property("started") Date startDate;
@Property("left") Date endDate;
//fields can be indexed for better performance
@Indexed boolean active = false;
//fields can loaded, but not saved
@NotSaved String readButNotStored;
//fields can be ignored (no load/save)
@Transient int notStored;
//not @Transient, will be ignored by Serialization/GWT for example.
transient boolean stored = true;
但是,当使用上面的代码时,'get an employee without a manager' 行无法找到任何内容,并且更新操作会引发异常。任何帮助,将不胜感激?