I have a error on my php code. I will insert a new row And i get the error: wrong parameter count in mysql_query
include 'googledistance.class.php';
$sql = "SELECT VVBnummer, Adres, Postcode FROM tblscheidsrechters";// echo($sql);
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$sql_sh = "SELECT ID, SporthalAdres, Postcode FROM tblsporthal"; //echo('<br>' . $sql_sh);
$result_sh = mysql_query($sql_sh);
while($record = mysql_fetch_array($result))
while($record_sh = mysql_fetch_array($result_sh))
$fromAddress = $record['Adres'] . ',' . $record['Postcode']; //echo($fromAddress . '<br>');
$toaddress = $record_sh['SporthalAdres'] . ',' . $record_sh['Postcode']; //echo($toaddress . '<br>');
$gd = new GoogleDistance($fromAddress, $toaddress);
$vvb = $record['VVBnummer'];
$shid = $record_sh['ID'];
$afstand = $gd->getDistance();
$tijd = $gd->getDuration();
<p>Scheidsrechter: <?php echo($record['VVBnummer']); ?></p>
<p>Sporthal: <?php echo($record_sh['ID']); ?></p>
<p>Afstand in km (h/t): <?php echo $gd->getDistance()/1000 ; ?></p>
<p>Tijd in minuten: <?php echo $gd->getDuration()/60; ?></p>
<p>Gevonden oorsprong: <?php echo $gd->getOrigin(); ?></p>
<p>Gevonden bestemming: <?php echo $gd->getDestination(); ?></p>
<hr />
$sql = "INSERT INTO klvv_sr_afstand_sh ( vvb_nr_sr, shid, afstand, tijd) VALUES('$vvb', '$shid', '$afstand', '$tijd')"; echo($sql);
$record = mysql_query();
The error happens when i will insert the row Thx for the help