I was using SFML earlier and I decided to play around with the audio settings. I made an instance of sf::Music and tried to play a sound. However I got an error that came up saying "The program can't start because openal32.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem." I am making this as a project for the Ludum Dare so if this is a common problem I don't really want to have to use this. First off, where do I get openal32.dll? Is this a common problem? And what is an alternative that I can use in c++ for playing audio? Thanks!


2 回答 2


OpenAL是 SFML 在内部使用的音频 API。您必须让用户安装 OpenAL dll,但官方网站似乎已离线。您可以尝试在谷歌上搜索一个工作链接来下载 OpenAL 包。

于 2013-08-24T10:17:48.313 回答

您可以改用 OpenAL-Soft:


它还支持双耳耳机的 HRTF。您也可以将它与您的应用程序 (LGPL) 一起打包。您可能必须将 soft_oal.dll 重命名为 OpenAL.dll。

于 2014-02-16T11:37:01.647 回答