
你好再次stackoverflow!由于某种原因,我在使用这个插件时遇到了最困难的时间。以下是问题。所以它有一个带有方法勾选的游戏类,我会发布它,但它似乎无法正常工作,它根本不会向玩家发送调试消息!然后我注意到保存类游戏的列表上有一个 ConcurrentModificationException。老实说,我不确定是什么导致了 ConcurrentModificationException,因为我浏览了我的代码,并且似乎没有在迭代中修改列表。我真的不想展示我所有的代码,但我觉得我需要展示一些。如果您可以查看这些部分并尝试对此有所了解,我将不胜感激!如果有人能指出是什么导致了 ConcurrentModificationException 那就太棒了,如果有人能向我解释为什么 p.sendMessage("test!"); 剂量似乎根本没有发生。

ConcurrentModificationException 已修复!


public class Main extends JavaPlugin implements Runnable {
//Holds all active games
public static ArrayList<Game> games = new ArrayList<Game>();
private CommandHandler cmdHandler = new CommandHandler(this);
private Thread thread = new Thread(this);
private boolean serverActive = true;

public void onEnable(){
    //Command stuff here 

public void onDisable(){
    serverActive = false;

public void run() {
    //Loop through games.
    while(serverActive == true){
        for (Game game: games){


来自命令处理程序的段:新游戏命令上发生 ConcurrentModificationException 错误

public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command arg, String cmd, String[] args){
    if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("newgame")){
        if (args.length == 0){
            sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Please enter a game name.");
            return true;
        Player player = sender.getServer().getPlayer(sender.getName());
                //Loop and Check
                Game game;
                for (int i = 0; i < Main.games.size(); i++){
                    game = Main.games.get(i);
                    if (game.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(args[0])){
                        //Tells that a game already exists with that name.
                        player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Can not create game with the name of " + args[0]);
                        return true;
                // We have reached the end of the loop so we now know that none of the 
                // games in the list match. Now we can return.
                Main.games.add(new Game(args[0],sender.getServer().getPlayer(sender.getName())));
                player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Game Created. To join Type " + ChatColor.ITALIC + "/join " + args[0]);
                return true;


public ArrayList<Player> terrorists = new ArrayList<Player>();
private ArrayList<Player> traitors = new ArrayList<Player>();

public Game(String gameName, Player gameOwner){
    this.gameName = gameName;
    this.gameOwner = gameOwner;
    state = State.Idle;

public void Tick(){
        if (state == State.Active){
            //Perform while Active Game.

        }else if (state == State.Idle){
            //Perform while Idle Game.
            for (Player p: terrorists){
            //Clean up

1 回答 1


现在您的 ConcurrentModificationException 已修复,您还有这个问题吗?


此外,也许通过向您的 Player 或游戏的创建者发送硬编码消息进行调试会有所帮助。这将显示游戏是否正确注册了玩家。

myWorld.getPlayer(*yournickname*).sendMessage("Game tick!");

for (Player p: terrorists) {
    p.sendMessage("test! You are a terrorist!");
于 2013-11-15T12:53:37.053 回答