所以,我想在我的应用程序中使用 NSOutlineView 来显示一个特定的,因为缺乏更好的名称,层次结构。为了解释,下面是它在代码中的样子:我有一个协议,它声明了我想显示的对象使用的一些方法:

@protocol OutlineViewItem <NSObject>

@required -(BOOL)hasChildren; //Tells whether the object has children
@required -(NSInteger)numberOfChildren; //returns 0 if none or number of children
@required -(id)getChildren; //return NSMutableArray containing children
@required -(NSString*)getDisplayableName; //returns a string that would be displayed in NSOutlineView




主应用程序包含一个 Project 类的实例,它包含一个 NSMutableArray 的 Subproject 类实例,它包含一个 NSMutableArray 的 SubprojectItem 类实例。

我如何在 Project 类中使用这些协议方法的一个示例(子项目是前面提到的 NSMutableArray:

    if(subprojects == nil || [subprojects count] < 1){
        return NO;
    return YES;

    if(subprojects == nil){
        return 0;
    return [subprojects count];

    return subprojects;

    return name;

Subproject 和 SubprojectItem 类以类似的方式实现这些方法。

在我的应用程序中,我定义了主窗口类(ProjectWindow)来实现 NSOutlineViewDataSource 和 Delegate 协议,并将 NSOutlineView 的数据源和委托绑定到 ProjectWindow。

在 ProjectWindowClass 中,我实现了如下方法:

- (id)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView child:(NSInteger)index ofItem:(id)item
    return item == nil ? project : [item getChildren];
    //if I understand it correctly, it return the children of a given node.
    //if item is nil, it should return the root, that is, project, or the children of item.

- (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView isItemExpandable:(id)item
    return item == nil? YES : [item hasChildren];
    //Same as above: project is expendable, other nodes can be expanded if contain children    

- (NSInteger)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView numberOfChildrenOfItem:(id)item
    return item == nil? 1 : [item numberOfChildren];
    //Same as above: there's 1 project, or it returns num of children;

- (id)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn byItem:(id)item
    return item == nil ? @"ROOT" : [item getDisplayableName];
    //I think that's what is going to be displayed in NSOutlineView, next to the expendable arrow


2013-08-23 22:45:12.930 myProject[1903:303] -[__NSArrayM hasChildren]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x101a16f30

如果我了解整个 NSOutlineViewDataSource,它应该返回根项,如果使用 item == nil 请求,如果 item != nil 则返回 item 的子项。但是,虽然我认为它应该是这样的,但它不起作用,应用程序挂起。



1 回答 1

- (id)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView child:(NSInteger)index ofItem:(id)item
    return item == nil ? project : [item getChildren];
    //if I understand it correctly, it return the children of a given node.





return item == nil ? project : item[index];


- (id)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn byItem:(id)item
    return item == nil ? @"ROOT" : [item getDisplayableName];
    //I think that's what is going to be displayed in NSOutlineView, next to the expendable arrow


于 2013-08-24T05:16:40.590 回答