如何将项目添加到集合中?我因缺少对象变量而收到错误 91。
Public PE_Details As Collection ' collection of cPE
Public PE_ID as integer
Public PE_ID_Index as integer
' Add to the detailed list of PE's
Public Function AddPEDetail(ByRef cPE_Detail As cPE)
PE_Details.Add cPE_Detail ' ERROR: Object variable or With
' block variable not set
End Function
Dim clsPE As cPE ' Summary version of PE
Dim clsPE_Detail As cPE ' A detailed PE
Dim i as Integer
Set clsPE = New cPE ' This is the PE which will also contain a list of detailed PEs
' Add three instances of detailed cPE to the summary cPE object
for i = 1 to 3
Set clsPE_Detail = New cPE
clsPE_Detail.PE_ID = clsPE.PE_ID
clsPE_Detail.PE_ID_Index = clsPE.PE_ID_Index
clsPE.AddPEDetail clsPE_Detail ' see above
next i