我正在使用 C# 和 Rally.RestAPI.dll从位于https://rally1.rallydev.com的 Rally 服务器中提取数据。服务器最近升级到 webservice v2.0,我在获取用户故事的任务时遇到了一些问题。我知道随着迁移到 2.0,API 中呈现子集合的方式发生了变化,但我正在尝试的方法不起作用。


1 回答 1


出于性能原因,v2.0 删除了在同一响应中返回子集合的能力。现在获取集合将返回一个对象,其中包含计数和从中获取集合数据的 url。需要一个单独的请求来获取集合的元素。这是迭代用户故事结果、访问故事的“任务”集合并发出单独请求以访问单个任务属性的代码:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Rally.RestApi;
using Rally.RestApi.Response;

namespace aRestApp_CollectionOfTasks
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Initialize the REST API
            RallyRestApi restApi;
            restApi = new RallyRestApi("user@co.com", "secret", "https://rally1.rallydev.com", "v2.0");

            //Set our Workspace and Project scopings
            String workspaceRef = "/workspace/11111"; //please replace this OID with an OID of your workspace
            String projectRef = "/project/22222";     //please replace this OID with an OID of your project
            bool projectScopingUp = false;
            bool projectScopingDown = true;

            Request storyRequest = new Request("HierarchicalRequirement");

            storyRequest.Workspace = workspaceRef;
            storyRequest.Project = projectRef;
            storyRequest.ProjectScopeUp = projectScopingUp;
            storyRequest.ProjectScopeDown = projectScopingDown;

            storyRequest.Fetch = new List<string>()

            storyRequest.Query = new Query("LastUpdateDate", Query.Operator.GreaterThan, "2013-08-01");      
            QueryResult queryStoryResults = restApi.Query(storyRequest);

            foreach (var s in queryStoryResults.Results)
                Console.WriteLine("FormattedID: " + s["FormattedID"] + " Name: " + s["Name"]);
                //Console.WriteLine("Tasks ref: " + s["Tasks"]._ref);
                Request taskRequest = new Request(s["Tasks"]);
                QueryResult queryTaskResult = restApi.Query(taskRequest);
                if (queryTaskResult.TotalResultCount > 0)
                    foreach (var t in queryTaskResult.Results)
                        var taskEstimate = t["Estimate"];
                        var taskName = t["Name"];
                        Console.WriteLine("Task Name: " + taskName + " Estimate: " + taskEstimate);
                    Console.WriteLine("no tasks found");
于 2013-08-23T20:56:11.967 回答