I am implementing doubly linked list in C++. Before insertion, my printing node function works well but after I do the insertion to the front, the printing goes forever.
for example, I have nodes of 1, 2, 3 data and I insert the data to front with 5. Then I try to print, and it only shows 5, 1, INFINITE LOOP without even going to the third node 2.
Here is my structure.
struct dl_node
int data;
struct dl_node* prev;
struct dl_node* next;
dl_node(dl_node* prev, dl_node* next, int data)
// here, prev is the parameter
// this->prev is from an object
this->prev = prev;
this->next = next;
this->data = data;
// constructor, without pointer parameter
explicit dl_node(int data)
this->prev = this;
this->next = this;
this->data = data;
Here is my insertion function.
// "push-front" operation
dl_node* insert_node(dl_node* head, int data)
if (nullptr == head)
return new dl_node(data);
auto insertion
= new dl_node(head->prev, head, data);
// previous node of this insertion is head's prev
// next node of this insertion is head
insertion->prev->next = insertion;
insertion->next->prev = insertion;
return insertion;
Here is my initialization.
struct dl_node* head = new dl_node(NULL);
struct dl_node* node_1 = new dl_node(NULL);
struct dl_node* node_2 = new dl_node(NULL);
head ->data = 1;
head ->next = node_1;
node_1->prev = head;
node_1->data = 2;
node_1->next = node_2;
node_2->prev = node_1;
node_2->data = 3;
node_2->next = nullptr;
Here is my insertion.
// we insert to FRONT
head = insert_node(head, 5);
Here is my printing loop.
struct dl_node* current_node_2 = head;
while ( current_node_2 != nullptr )
cout << current_node_2->data << ", ";
current_node_2 = current_node_2->next;
// 5, 1, I get infinite loop from here....
Could anybody have any idea?