I'm making a Tumblr theme and this is the code I got from another Tumblr blog.

    div.fade {
    display: none;

And for the JQuery.

//JQuery Fader code
    // Slow can be any number of ms
    $("div.fade").fadeIn('slow', function () {
        // Do nothing
    }, 2000); // Fade in after 2000 ms (2 secs)

Here's the fade div.

<div class="fade">
<a href="{Permalink}"><time datetime="{TimeAgo}">{TimeAgo}</time>&nbsp;/&nbsp;

{block:NoteCount}<a class="notecount" href="{Permalink}#notes">{NoteCountWithLabel}</a>{/block:NoteCount}&nbsp;/&nbsp;

<a href="{SourceURL}">{lang:Source}:{block:NoSourceLogo}{SourceTitle}{/block:NoSourceLogo}</a>&nbsp;/&nbsp;

<div class="my-like" data-reblog="{ReblogURL}" data-id="{PostID}" title="Like">&hearts;</div>&nbsp;/&nbsp;

<a href=”{ReblogURL}” target=”_blank”&gt;{ReblogButton size="15"}</a>

Is there anyway I can get it to work properly?

JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/8vnR4/


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