im using this to display a image in a certain folder and subfolder, everything "works fine", the files are named in this form ex:
17000.001 17000.002 18555.001 18542.001 1.001 1.002 1.003 1.004 .....
the .xxx is the extension (a renamed TIFF)
the program works in this way:
You Type the Number you want, example: i want the 17000, i type 17000, and it return the FIRST .001 in the screen, and the others .002, .003 and how many it have, i want to walk throught it by a next image button and previsoly image...
the problem is: when i try to search for a number that have more than 4 .004 or more, it dont display the first, it display "random", .002, 004 or other i cant understand why, this is the piece of the code where i get the "path" to it!! dont kill me because the code ^^!
public void geraListaArquivos(String subdir, String matricula) {
String diretorio = "F:\\registro_sql\\Imagens\\Livro02" + "\\"
+ subdir + "\\";
String novaimagem = null;
File folder = new File(diretorio);
listOfFiles = folder.listFiles();
if (!folder.exists()) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Não existe o diretório em que está tentando fazer a busca");
} else {
// JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, diretorio);
for (int i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; i++) {
String matsonome[] = listOfFiles[i].getName().split("\\.");
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < matsonome.length; i2 = i2 +2) {
if(matsonome[i2].matches(matricula)) {
System.out.println(matsonome[i2] = "." + matsonome[i2+1]);
... the rest of the code, if the typed number image exist in the folder
i dit the String matsonome to check if the first part of the array matches the typed number,.. i2 +2, coz wwhen it split for example 17000.001 and 17000.002
will be in this way:
matsonome[0] = 17000
matsonome[1] = 001
matsonome[2] = 17000
matsonome[3] = 002
in this case the "System.out.println(matsonome[i2] = "." + matsonome[i2+1]);"
will display correct cuz it have less than 4
17000.001 17000.002
but if the typed number have 4 or more, it display in this way(out of order):
xxxx.002 xxxx.001 xxxx.004 xxxx.003
sorry the bad english :(