我们是否知道 Oracle 在后台做一些事情的频率,例如 JVM 性能优化,但最终没有出现在官方 Java 更新发行说明中?

如果他们没有提及每次更新在 JVM 中发生的每个角落和缝隙,那么从哪里可以找到如此详尽的列表呢?

我只是想知道这一点,因为我试图证明从 Java 7 Update 7 升级到最新更新是合理的,而编程团队的其他成员则因升级而异(我们正在使用此 JRE 运行单用户桌面应用程序,所以我不认为安全修复对我们来说过于重要)。

编辑:由于旧的http://bugs.sun.com已经关闭了很长一段时间,我冒险寻找类似的东西,并且偶然发现了关于 JDK 似乎是详尽的问题列表 - 它是托管的在 OpenJDK Jira 上;供将来参考,这里是 JDK 7 的链接: https ://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK#selectedTab=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.project%3Achangelog-panel


2 回答 2



于 2013-08-23T18:21:16.047 回答

From my experience from switching an application from 1.5, 1.6 to 1.7 over the years you can find most of it in the Update Release Notes however its not always clear what input some changes have to performance or heap space. I notice a increased heap space in some Java 1.6 updates without any changes to our software or any hint in the release notes. But overall I recommend to update to the newest versions, because not only security issues are fixed but also there are sometimes improvements to the garbage collection and you do not fight against strange old bugs which are already fixed by oracle.

But in the end its always a good idea to do some performance tests by your own when updating Java if the performance or heap space is important for the users of the application.


Some releases have a complete list of bug fixes done. For example Release Notes Java 7 Update 6 has a link JDK 7u6 Bug Fixes. The bug database of Java can be found at this but its not very search or user friendly.

于 2013-08-23T18:27:40.117 回答