My goal is to "prop" the parent checkbox in a nested list. Right now I pull in a directory listing in PHP like this:
function listDirectories($dir, $i, $howDeep) {
$lastFolder = end(explode("/", $dir));
$listString .='<li class="closed"><span class="folder"><input type="checkbox" class="userPermissionCheckBox" parent="'.$i.'" howDeep="'.$howDeep.'" value="'.$dir.'" />'.str_replace('_', ' ', $lastFolder).'</span>';
foreach (glob($dir."/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $d) {
$listString .='<ul>';
$listString .=' '.listDirectories($d, $i, $howDeep).' ';
$listString .='</ul>';
$howDeep = 1;
$listString .='</li>';
return $listString;
That works awesome!, I then bind this jquery/js function to the check boxes to "prop" all of the child boxes when a parent is selected Like This:
var isAlreadyChecked = $(this).prop('checked');
$(this).parents(':eq(1)').find('.userPermissionCheckBox').each(function () {
$(this).prop('checked', isAlreadyChecked);
this also works fantastic.
Where I get stuck is if someone were to check a child box WITHOUT checking the parent box, it will auto check the parent... so i tried something like this:
var isAlreadyChecked = $(this).prop('checked');
var parentNumber = Number($(this).attr('parent'));
var howDeepIsNest = Number($(this).attr('howDeep'));
$(this).parents(':eq(1)').find('.userPermissionCheckBox').each(function () {
$(this).prop('checked', isAlreadyChecked);
if(howDeepIsNest > 1){
var immediateParent = howDeepIsNest - 1;
$('.userPermissionCheckBox[howDeep='+immediateParent+']').prop('checked', true);
This Kind of works, obviously the auto prop for the child boxes works great, but I can't get auto check for the parent boxes to work. I'm open to any suggestions. Thank you for taking the time to read this.