raw_input("\n\nPress quit to exit")
direction = raw_input("\n\nPress quit to exit")
if direction not in game:
direction = raw_input("Enter your direction: ")
location = game[direction]
direction = direction.lower()
print location
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "homework.py", line 21, in <module>
location = game[direction]
KeyError: 'quit'
if direction not in game:
direction = raw_input("Enter your direction: ")
location = game[direction]
direction = direction.lower()
print location
except KeyError:
我只使用except KeyError
#Create a Dictionary to represent the possible
#exits from a location in an adventure game
game = {"north" : "North leads to garden.",
"south" : "South leads to the kitchen.",
"east" : "East leads to the dining room.",
"west" : "West leads to the living room."
direction = raw_input("Enter your direction: ")
while direction != "quit":
direction = direction.lower()
if direction in game:
location = game[direction]
direction = direction.lower()
print location
if direction not in game:
direction = raw_input("Enter your direction: ")
location = game[direction]
direction = direction.lower()
print location
except KeyError:
direction = raw_input("\n\nPress quit to exit: ")
一旦我们到达这一点,我们应该看看程序是如何运行的,我们可以看到我们在脚本执行期间多次要求用户输入,设置相同的变量。现在我们有了一些工作,我们应该考虑删除所需的调用。由于我们添加了try: except
bloc: 我们不需要先前检查字典中的成员资格,这给我们留下了:
#Create a Dictionary to represent the possible
#exits from a location in an adventure game
game = {"north" : "North leads to garden.",
"south" : "South leads to the kitchen.",
"east" : "East leads to the dining room.",
"west" : "West leads to the living room."
# Initialize the direction variable
direction = ""
# Keep looping user types in quit
while direction != "quit":
# Take the user input at the start of the loop
direction = raw_input("Enter your direction Or quit to exit: ")
# Get the location string if it exists
location = game[direction]
# Make the string lower case
direction = direction.lower()
# Display location message
print location
# If this KeyError is raised user has entered a location not in the
# dictionary
except KeyError:
# We can do nothing because we are just going to get new user input
# next time the loop runs!
location = game[direction]
direction = direction.lower()
如果我们想要小写的方向,我们可以将它们定义为上面十行的小写,其次一直询问相同的消息很烦人,所以我们将询问一个 septate quit 消息。因此,在删除不需要的行之后,我们得到:
game = {"north" : "North leads to garden.",
"south" : "South leads to the kitchen.",
"east" : "East leads to the dining room.",
"west" : "West leads to the living room."
direction = ""
while direction != "quit":
direction = raw_input("Enter your direction: ").lower()
print game[direction]
except KeyError:
direction = raw_input("The direction you have entered is invalid\nEnter a direction or quit to exit: ")
在这里,我还删除了 location 变量,在这种情况下它是不需要的,因为方向是关键信息。尝试打印不存在的 Key 时仍然会引发 KeyError ,这很酷!
print game[direction].lower()