我有两个包含多列的 txt 文件。这是第一个文件 ( $frequency) 的样子:

C1    C2    A  a   B   b   C   c   D   d
text   1    0  1   0   0   0   0   0   0
text   2    1  0   5   4   0   0   0   0
text   3    0  0   0   0   10  11  3   6
text   4    1  0   9   4   0   2   0   0
text   5    5  3   0   0   6   7   4   0

所以 C2 包含从 1 到 20000 的所有位置。Ad 列包含所有等于或大于 0 的数值。

这是第二个文件 ( $variants) 的样子

C1    C2    C3   C4  
text   2    A    D  
text   4    B    C 
text   5    A    B,D

这里的 C2 包含 1 到 20000 之间的一些值。C3 和 C4 包含 AD 之间的字母(如表 1 中的列名,但都是大写字母)。我现在要做的是:将 C2 from$variants中的值与C2 from 中的值匹配$frequency,然后检查 C3 中的哪个字母$variants,然后复制相应的值(因此正确的行和正确的大写字母和小写字母列)从$frequency到 中的两个新列$variants。然后需要对 的 C4 执行相同的操作$variants

编辑:有时 C4 in 也可能$variants包含两个由“,”分隔的字母。对于这两个字母,来自的值$frequency应该出现在输出中


C1    C2    C3    C4    C5   C6   C7   C8  C9  C10
text  2     A     D     1    0    0    0   empty  
text  4     B     C     9    4    0    2   empty
text  5     A     B,D   5    3    0    0    4   0



my $table1 = prompt("Give the name of the file with variants:\n");
open(my $variants, '<',$table1) || die "Could not open file $table1 $!";

my $table2 = prompt("Give the name of the file with the frequencies: \n");
open(my $frequency, '<',$table2) || die "Could not open file $table2 $!";

my (@position, @A, @a, @B, @b, @C, @c, @D, @d); #instead of using hashes I was trying to put all the values in arrays, because I don't know how to hash multiple columns from a file.

    my @column = split(/\t/); # split on tabs
    $position[$_] .= "$column[1] "; # I want to assign the correct column values to the arrays
    $Afor[$_] .= "$column[2] ";
    $arev[$_] .= "$column[3] ";
    $Bfor[$_] .= "$column[4] ";
    $brev[$_] .= "$column[5] ";
    $Cfor[$_] .= "$column[6] ";
    $crev[$_] .= "$column[7] ";
    $Dfor[$_] .= "$column[8] ";
    $drev[$_] .= "$column[9] ";

    next if /^\s*#/; # skipping some lines
    next if /^\s*"/;
my ($chr, $pos, $refall, $altall) = split;

我不确定这是否是正确的方法,因为我现在无法弄清楚如何检查正确的行和$frequencies. 有人可以帮我吗?


1 回答 1



use strict; use warnings;
use English '-no_match_vars';

my ($variants_file, $frequency_file) = @ARGV; # take filename from command line

open my $variants,  '<', $variants_file   or die "Could not open file $variants_file: $!";
open my $frequency, '<', $frequency_file  or die "Could not open file $frequency_file $!";

# parse the header fields
my (undef, undef, @header) = do {
  my $header_line = <$frequency>;
  chomp $header_line;
  split /\t/, $header_line;

my @frequency_data;
my $expect_pos = 1; # starting position
while (<$frequency>){
    my(undef, $pos, @column) = split /\t/; # split on tabs
    unless ($pos == $expect_pos) {
      die "On line $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER: expected data for position $expect_pos, instead found position $pos";
    @{ $frequency_data[$pos] }{@header} = @column;


<$variants>;  # throw away header
    next if /^\s*[#\"]/; # skipping some lines
    my ($text, $pos, $refall, $altall) = split;
    my @ref_data = @{ $frequency_data[$pos] }{$refall, lc($refall)};
    my @alt_data = @{ $frequency_data[$pos] }{$altall, lc($altall)};
    print join("\t", $text, $pos, @ref_data, @alt_data), "\n";

通过最近对您的问题进行的编辑( 中的多个列$variants),上述代码段可以概括为:

while (<$variants>) {
  next if ...
  my ($text, $pos, @cols) = split /\t/;
  my @data = map {@{ $frequency_data[$pos] }{$_, lc $_}}  # column to values
             map { split /,/ } @cols;                     # split cols at comma
  print join("\n", $text, $pos, @cols, @data), "\n";


于 2013-08-23T21:42:39.627 回答