我被困住了。我正在将我们网络上的文件夹移动到一个中心位置,这些文件夹都有一个唯一的 ID。有几个文件夹有拼写错误,因此与中心位置的唯一 ID 不匹配。我找到了正确的 IDS,但我需要在移动它们之前重命名这些文件夹。例如,我创建了一个具有错误唯一 ID 的 Excel 电子表格,并且在单独的列中具有正确的 ID。现在,我想用正确的 ID 重命名文件夹,然后将这些文件夹转移到中心位置。我的代码......粗糙,因为我想不出一个好的方法来做到这一点。我觉得使用列表是要走的路,但是由于我的代码正在遍历文件夹,所以我不确定如何实现这一点
例如:在文件夹 A 中:一个名为 12334 的文件应该重命名为 1234。然后移动到文件夹 1234 中的基本目录。
import os
import re
import sys
import traceback
import collections
import shutil
movdir = r"C:\Scans"
basedir = r"C:\Links"
subfolder = "\Private Drain Connections"
#Walk through all files in the directory that contains the files to copy
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(movdir):
for filename in files:
#find the name location and name of files
path = os.path.join(root, filename)
#file name and extension
ARN, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
print ARN
#Location of the corresponding folder in the new directory
link = os.path.join(basedir, ARN)
if not os.path.exists(link):
newname = re.sub(372911000002001,372911000003100,ARN)
newname =re.sub(372809000001400,372909000001400,ARN)
newname =re.sub(372809000001500,372909000001500,ARN)
newname =re.sub(372809000001700,372909000001700,ARN)
newname = re.sub(372812000006800,372912000006800,ARN)
newname =re.sub(372812000006900,372912000006900,ARN)
newname =re.sub(372812000007000,372912000007000,ARN)
newname =re.sub(372812000007100,372912000007100,ARN)
newname =re.sub(372812000007200,372912000007200,ARN)
newname =re.sub(372812000007300,372912000007300,ARN)
newname =re.sub(372812000007400,372912000007400,ARN)
newname =re.sub(372812000007500,372912000007500,ARN)
newname =re.sub(372812000007600,372912000007600,ARN)
newname =re.sub(372812000007700,372912000007700,ARN)
newname =re.sub(372812000011100,372912000011100,ARN)
os.rename(os.path.join(movdir, ARN, extension ),
os.path.join(movdir, newname, extension))
oldpath = os.path.join(root, newname)
print ARN, "to", newname
newpath = basedir + "\\" + newname + subfolder
shutil.copy(oldpath, newpath)
print "Copied"
print ("Error occurred")
import arcpy
import os
import re
import sys
import traceback
import collections
import shutil
movdir = r"C:\Scans"
basedir = r"C:\Links"
subfolder = "\Private Drain Connections"
import string
l = ['372911000002001',
l2 = ['372911000003100',
#Walk through all files in the directory that contains the files to copy
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(movdir):
for filename in files:
#find the name location and name of files
path = os.path.join(root, filename)
#file name and extension
ARN, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
oldname = str(ARN)
#Location of the corresponding folder in the new directory
link = os.path.join(basedir, ARN)
if not os.path.exists(link):
for ii, jj in zip(l, l2):
newname = re.sub(ii,jj, ARN)
newname = str(newname)
print path
newpath = os.path.join(root, oldname) + extension
print "new name", newpath
os.rename(path, newpath)
print "Renaming"
newpath2 = basedir + "\\" + newname + subfolder
shutil.copy(newpath, newpath2)
print "Copied"
if newname != ARN:
print ("Error occurred")
tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0]
pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback Info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n " + \
str(sys.exc_type)+ ": " + str(sys.exc_value) + "\n"
msgs = "GP ERRORS:\n" + arcpy.GetMessages(2 )+ "\n"
print (pymsg)
print (msgs)