除了 selectAll 复选框之外,我还尝试添加 selectRow 和 selectCol 复选框,以便为复选框网格的每一行和每一列获得相同的效果。
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/432493/how-do-you-access-the-matched-groups-in-a-javascript-regular-
* expression
* examples:
* var matches = getRegexMatches(/(dog)/, "dog boat, cat car dog");
* console.log(matches);
* var matches = getRegexMatches(/(dog|cat) (boat|car)/, "dog boat, cat car");
* console.log(matches);
function getRegexMatches(regex, string) {
if(!(regex instanceof RegExp)) {
return "ERROR";
else {
if (!regex.global) {
// If global flag not set, create new one.
var flags = "g";
if (regex.ignoreCase) flags += "i";
if (regex.multiline) flags += "m";
if (regex.sticky) flags += "y";
regex = RegExp(regex.source, flags);
var matches = [];
var match = regex.exec(string);
while (match) {
if (match.length > 2) {
var group_matches = [];
for (var i = 1; i < match.length; i++) {
else {
match = regex.exec(string);
return matches;
* get the select_row or select_col checkboxes dependening on the selectType row/col
function getSelectCheckboxes(selectType) {
var regex=new RegExp("select_"+selectType+"_");
var result= $('input').filter(function() {return this.id.match(regex);});
return result;
* matrix selection logic
* the goal is to provide select all / select row x / select col x
* checkboxes that will allow to
* select all: select all grid elements
* select row: select the grid elements in the given row
* select col: select the grid elements in the given col
* There is a naming convention for the ids and css style classes of the the selectors and elements:
* select all -> id: selectall
* select row -> id: select_row_row e.g. select_row_2
* select col -> id: select_col_col e.g. select_col_3
* grid element -> class checkBoxClass col_col row_row e.g. checkBoxClass row_2 col_3
$(document).ready(function () {
// handle click event for Select all check box
$("#selectall").click(function () {
// set the checked property of all grid elements to be the same as
// the state of the SelectAll check box
var state=$("#selectall").prop('checked');
$(".checkBoxClass").prop('checked', state);
getSelectCheckboxes('row').prop('checked', state);
getSelectCheckboxes('col').prop('checked', state);
// handle clicks within the grid
$(".checkBoxClass").on( "click", function() {
// get the list of grid checkbox elements
// all checkboxes
var all = $('.checkBoxClass');
// all select row check boxes
var rows = getSelectCheckboxes('row');
// all select columnn check boxes
var cols = getSelectCheckboxes('col');
// console.log("rows: "+rows.length+", cols:"+cols.length+" total: "+all.length);
// get the total number of checkboxes in the grid
var allLen=all.length;
// get the number of checkboxes in the checked state
var filterLen=all.filter(':checked').length;
// console.log(allLen+"-"+filterLen);
// if all checkboxes are in the checked state
// set the state of the selectAll checkbox to checked to be able
// to deselect all at once, otherwise set it to unchecked to be able to select all at once
if (allLen == filterLen) {
$("#selectall").prop("checked", true);
} else {
$("#selectall").prop("checked", false);
// now check the completeness of the rows
for (row = 0; row < rows.length; row++) {
var rowall=$('.row_'+row);
var rowchecked=rowall.filter(':checked');
if (rowall.length == rowchecked.length) {
$("#select_row_"+row).prop("checked", true);
} else {
$("#select_row_"+row).prop("checked", false);
.filter(function() {
return this.id.match(/select_row_|select_col_/);
}).on( "click", function() {
var matchRowColArr=getRegexMatches(/select_(row|col)_([0-9]+)/,this.id);
var matchRowCol=matchRowColArr[0];
// console.log(matchRowCol);
if (matchRowCol.length==2) {
var selectType=matchRowCol[0]; // e.g. row
var selectIndex=matchRowCol[1]; // e.g. 2
// console.log(this.id+" clicked to select "+selectType+" "+selectIndex);
// e.g. .row_2
.prop('checked', $("#select_"+selectType+"_"+selectIndex).prop('checked'));