我希望能够安排 Enum 的排序。有人建议如何解决这个问题?

以下 Enum 元类正在使用:

class EnumMeta(type):
    def __new__(typ, name, bases, attrs):
        cls_attrs = {}
        cls_choices = []
        for attr_name, value in attrs.items():
            cls_attrs[attr_name] = attr_name.lower()
            if not attr_name.startswith("__"):
                cls_choices.append((attr_name.lower(), value))

        def choices(cls):
            return cls_choices

        def values(cls, value=None):
            if value is None:
                return {choice[0]: unicode(choice[1]) for choice in cls.choices()}
            elif isinstance(value, list):
                return {choice[0]: unicode(choice[1]) for choice in cls.choices() if choice[0] in value}
                return unicode(dict(cls.choices()).get(value))

        def keys(cls, nil=False):
            items = [item[0] for item in cls.choices()]
            if nil:

            return items

        def combined_length(cls):
            return len(",".join(cls.values().keys()))

        def max_length(cls):
            return max(map(len, cls.values().keys()))

        cls_attrs['choices'] = classmethod(choices)
        cls_attrs['values'] = classmethod(values)
        cls_attrs['keys'] = classmethod(keys)
        cls_attrs['combined_length'] = classmethod(combined_length)
        cls_attrs['max_length'] = classmethod(max_length)

        return type(name, bases, cls_attrs)


class SideHemType:
    __ordering__ = ['double', 'single']
    __metaclass__ = EnumMeta

    Single = "Single side hem for opaque fabrics"
    Double = "Double side hem for transparent fabrics"

  class TestEnumOrdering:
        print SideHemType.keys()
        print SideHemType.values() 

通过打印 Enum SideHemType,首先打印 Double,然后打印 Single。但我想先单,然后双。


3 回答 3


If you are using Python3.4 you can use the new enum.Enum type, which remembers the order the enum members are declared in.

If you are using an earlier Python, you should use the enum34 package available from PyPI, which supports Pythons back to 2.4.

The enum34 package, if used in Python3, also remembers the order of member declarations. If used in Python 2 it supports an extra _order_ attribute:

from enum import Enum

class SideHemType(Enum):

    _order_ = 'Single Double'  # only needed in Python 2

    Single = "Single side hem for opaque fabrics"
    Double = "Double side hem for transparent fabrics"

    def combined_length(cls):
        return len(",".join(mbr.name for mbr in cls))

    def max_length(cls):
        return max(map(len, (mbr.name for mbr in cls)))

print list(SideHemType)  # [SideHemType.Single, SideHemType.Double]

print SideHemType.Double.value  # "Double side hem for transparent fabrics"
于 2013-08-23T14:29:39.933 回答


class Shape(IntEnum):
    CIRCLE = 1
    SQUARE = 2


于 2021-01-04T23:35:11.310 回答

您的 Enum 在 3 个地方失去了排序。首先,类主体上的属性存储在字典中,然后将项目复制到另一个字典中。最后,您values()返回第三本字典。字典不保存排序,也不可能得到类体内属性的排序。


__ordering__ = [ 'single', 'double' ]


class EnumMeta(type):
    def __new__(typ, name, bases, attrs):
        cls_attrs = {}
        cls_choices = {}

        for attr_name, value in attrs.items():
            cls_attrs[attr_name] = attr_name.lower()
            if not attr_name.startswith("__"):
                cls_choices[attr_name.lower()] = value

        ordering = attrs.get('__ordering__')
        if ordering == None:
            ordering = sorted(cls_choices.keys())

        def choices(cls):
            return dict(cls_choices)

        def values(cls, value=None):
            if value is None:
                return [ (k, cls_choices[k] ) for k in ordering ]
            elif not isinstance(value, basestring):
                return [ (k, cls_choices[k] ) for k in value ]
                return unicode(cls_choices.get(value))

        def keys(cls, nil=False):
            items = list(ordering)
            if nil:

            return items

        def combined_length(cls):
            return len(",".join(cls.values().keys()))

        def max_length(cls):
            return max(map(len, cls.values().keys()))

        cls_attrs['choices'] = classmethod(choices)
        cls_attrs['values'] = classmethod(values)
        cls_attrs['keys'] = classmethod(keys)
        cls_attrs['combined_length'] = classmethod(combined_length)
        cls_attrs['max_length'] = classmethod(max_length)

        return type(name, bases, cls_attrs)

class SideHemType:
    __ordering__ = ['double', 'single']
    __metaclass__ = EnumMeta

    Single = "Single side hem for opaque fabrics"
    Double = "Double side hem for transparent fabrics"

print SideHemType.keys()
print SideHemType.values()
于 2013-08-23T10:14:59.163 回答