I have 3 threads that maybe run at the same time, now I want to control their running logic as below.
1) thread1, thread2, thread3 are 3 kinds of time-consuming thread, I want only run 1 at the time. and thread1 is also exclusive with itself, it means if one thread1 is running, the second thread1 will also not run.
2) I want to know current running thread information, (ex, which kind of thread is running) for example, when thread1 is running, now before run thread2, I want to check current whether there is a thread running, and I also want to know currently which thread is running (in this sample, I want to know thread1 is running), if there is thead1 running, I will not run thread2, and return status.
Base on above, I defined below lock class.
Type_UnLock = 0,
//uCurLockType is a reference, when locked by others,
//it will store current lock type and return.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> g_lock(g_mutex, std::defer_lock);
bool CXXXLock::Lock(LOCK_TYPE uToLockType, LOCK_TYPE& uCurLockType)
if(m_uLockType != LOCK_TYPE::Type_UnLock)
uCurLockType = m_uLockType;
return false;
m_uLockType = uToLockType;
return true;
uCurLockType = m_uLockType;
return false;
bool CXXXLock::Unlock()
m_uLockType = LOCK_TYPE::Type_UnLock;
return true;
return false;
in thread1 proc function, it will call as below. it will also similar as thread2/thread3 proc function, GetInstance() is a singleton, and will get the unique global object.
unsigned thread1proc(LPVOID lpParam)
LOCK_TYPE uToLockType = LOCK_TYPE::Type_Lock_1, uCurLockType = LOCK_TYPE::Type_UnLock;
if(false == GetInstance().Lock(uToLockType, uCurLockType))
//it is locked by other thead, uCurLockType means which kind of thread lock it.
//store current lock type uCurLockType and exit this thread.
// do thread logic
After I testing, it seems work ok, However, I want to know whether this is standard way to do this. Any comments is appreciated.
------2013.8.23 Update CXXXLock implementation--------
It seems I have defined some wrong function that will make confused, For my requirement, it seems looks like CXXXXLock::GetExclusiveFlag instead of CXXXLock::Lock function as it has no lock function actually. and the thread should follow this specification before do real action.