This becomes a very strange problem to me. from my sp i am returning like

 Declare @NewTable as table(ID bigint,
   LoginName nvarchar(500),
   Password nvarchar(200),
   FirstName nvarchar(50),
   MiddleName nvarchar(500),
   LastName nvarchar(500),
   UserPicture Image,
   Address nvarchar(1500),
   City nvarchar(100),
   State nvarchar(100),
   MobileNo nvarchar(50),
   LandLineNo nvarchar(100),
   EmailAddress nvarchar(50),
   DateOfBirth nvarchar(50),
   IsActive bit,
   Country nvarchar(100));
Insert @NewTable EXEC(@Query)
select ID,LoginName,Password,FirstName,MiddleName,LastName,UserPicture,Address,City,IsActive from @NewTable

Previously Addresss column written in last so Kendo Grid was showing blank but when i move it in between the Kendo Grid Showing data with adress column as well as. Now whats happening that due to IsActive column Kendo Grid not showing when i removed IsActive column Kendo grid showing data.

when I adjust IsActive column in between LastName,*Middlename* or so on... in my Query then Kendo Grid shows data. so I believe that data type is not a matter. This is becoming very tough for me that what actually creating the problem. For more info Please see the link i posted here but didn't found answer



1 回答 1


我不确定您是否仍然面临这个问题,但我发现 JavaScript 不完全支持 long (Int64)。即使您定义了自己的转换器以将所有 long 作为字符串传递给浏览器,您仍然会遇到将模型绑定到 Kendo UI 的问题。看起来有3个选项:

  1. 将 SID 字段(字符串)与 ID(长)并行维护,并在所有前端活动中使用 SID。
  2. 使用 OData 和 Web API(我还没有尝试过)。
  3. 根本不使用 long(可能是不合理的)。
于 2014-04-22T00:29:53.283 回答