下面是我在按钮搜索上的代码我需要绑定我的网格并下载 zip 文件问题是否下载了 zip 文件但我的网格未调用绑定函数但 datalist 未绑定
Private Sub BindGrid()
SQL = "Select JameatID,JamaatID,MadrassahID, JameatName,JamaatName,MadrassahName,StudentID,ClassID,DIvisionName,FullName,datediff (year ,DOB,getdate() )as Age from vwstudent vw LEFT OUTER JOIN CMaster cm ON vw.ClassID =cm.CMID AND MasterName ='ClassID' where 1=1 order by JameatName,JamaatName,MadrassahName,cm.OrderId "
Dim ds As New dataset
ds = gc.GetDataToListBinder(SQL)
DListPhotoInfo.DataSource = ds
End Sub
Private Sub DownloadImage(ByVal EJID As String)
Dim DS As Data.DataSet
Dim tmpZipFile As String
tmpZipFile = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName
Dim zipFile As New GraficaliZip(tmpZipFile)
Dim strID() As String = Split(EJID.Trim, ",")
For i As Integer = 0 To strID.Length - 1
If ImageExist(strID(i).Trim) = True Then
zipFile.PutFile(Server.MapPath(".") & _
"\Photo\" & strID(i).Trim & _
".jpg", strID(i).Trim & ".jpg")
End If
BindGrid() ///from here i am binding grid
gc.DownLoadFileFromServer("", tmpZipFile & ".zip", "Photo.zip")
End Sub
Protected Sub btnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click
PnlGrid.Visible = True
End Sub