I was doing some experiments and accidently wrote a code, which is very weird and I don't get it all. I was even surprised that I can compile it. It looks like this:

enum Foo {
    VALUE_1 {
        public int myVariable = 1;
    VALUE_2 {
        public void myMethod() {

As expected, it's not possible to access such an element in the following way:


The reason is, that compiler will look for that method inside the enumeration itself.

I presumed that it's not possible to access these methods and variables from outside the enumeration. For this reason, I tried to create a parametric constructor and call it with some internal variable:

enum Foo {
    VALUE(internalVariable) {
        int internalVariable = 1;

    private Foo(int param) {

It wasn't possible to compile such a construction. Now I was thinking what's the point of defining something inside the constant if there is no way to access it.

I was trying to create the same-named methods in the constant as well in the enumeration itself to check out if it collides in some way. It didn't!

enum Foo {
    VALUE_1 {
        int myVariable = 1;

        public int myMethod() {
            return myVariable;
    VALUE_2 {

    public int myMethod() {
        return 0;

And here comes the funny moment! I tried to proceed call of myMethod() inside the enumeration and actually figured out how this Java magic works. Methods, which are defined inside the constant, overrides methods defined inside the enumeration.

Foo.VALUE_1.myMethod(); // Returns 1
Foo.VALUE_2.myMethod(); // Returns 0

However, we can't override variable, right? So I was curious, how it works with variables only.

enum Foo {
    VALUE_1 {
        public int myVariable = 1;
    VALUE_2 {

    public int myVariable = 0;


System.out.println(Foo.VALUE_1.myVariable); // Returns 0
System.out.println(Foo.VALUE_2.myVariable); // Returns 0

Now I'm finally getting to my questions:

  1. Why I don't get any error if I create public method inside the constant and left enumeration empty without this method? In that case, the method I just defined can't be called at all. Or am I wrong?

    Update: I know that enumeration can implement interface. However, if I haven't specifically said that, whole code is pointless.

    Someone pointed out that even if method can't be accessed from the language in the normal way, it's still possible to use reflection. Well... Why don't we design an inaccessible keyword?

    inaccessible void magicalMethod() {

    Such a method will be compiled into the *.class file. When you want to use it, you've to load bytecode by yourself and interpret it.

    I just can't understand, why it's possible to define unreachable method. The only reason I can think is that programmer is working and doesn't have definition of interface yet. So he's just preparing code of single methods and will add "implements" keyword later. Beside this is illogical, it would still require to have such a method in all constants.

    I think this should end up with error, not just warning about unused method. You may forget to add "implement" clause or to define method in the enumeration (which would be overridden) and will realize that just after the first use. Java is very strict language, so I'd expect this behavior.

  2. Why I don't get any error if I create public variable (or field, to be more precise) inside the constant? It can't be accessed in the any case (from the outside). Therefore, modifier "public" doesn't make any sense here.

    Update: It's more less the same thing as in the previous point, except the visibility modifier is completely useless here. It really doesn't matter if it's public, protected or private, because you won't be able to access that anyway. I think this is a bug.

  3. Why it's possible to define a class (without visibility modifiers), but not interface? Yeah, you wouldn't probably want to write so brutal enumeration that you would need to define classes inside the constant and even to use inheritance there. But if it's possible to define classes and abstract classes, it seems little weird.

    Update: This is definitely not something you'd need on regular basis, but I understand that it might be useful. But why it's limited to classes only and interfaces can't be defined as well?

    enum Foo {
        VALUE {
            class MyClass {
                // OK
            abstract class MyAbstractClass {
                // OK
            interface MyInterface {
                // FAIL. It won't compile.
  4. Did you use such a functionality somewhere? I can imagine it might be useful, but it's little confusing. Also, when I was searching for some resources about that, I didn't find anything.

    Update: I'd like to see some practical example wth overridden methods in an enum constant class body. Have you seen it in some open-source project?


$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_21"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.3.9) (7u21-2.3.9-0ubuntu0.12.10.1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.7-b01, mixed mode)

Thanks for your time and for your answers!


4 回答 4



public enum SoundPack {
        public String getSoundPickUp() {
            return "res/sounds/classical/pick.wav";

        public String getSoundNewLevel() {
            return "res/sounds/classical/success.wav";

        public String getSoundFail() {
            return "res/sounds/fail.wav";
        public String getSoundPickUp() {
            return "res/sounds/unhealthy/quick_fart.wav";

        public String getSoundNewLevel() {
            return "res/sounds/unhealthy/toilet_flush.wav";

        public String getSoundFail() {
            return "res/sounds/unhealthy/vomiting.wav";

    public abstract String getSoundPickUp();
    public abstract String getSoundNewLevel();
    public abstract String getSoundFail();


private SoundPack soundPack = SoundPack.CLASSICAL;



只需为字段 soundPack 分配另一个值,就可以很容易地在运行时更改配置。如果声音还没有加载(并且有可能他们不会因为我经常使用延迟加载),更改将立即生效。在不改变任何其他东西的情况下。

另外,如果我想添加新的声音包,可以通过在该枚举中定义新常量来完成。Eclipse 将显示警告,我只需按 CTRL+1 并生成这些方法。所以这也很容易。


于 2013-08-23T18:37:32.803 回答

[...] 我刚刚定义的方法根本无法调用。还是我错了?


interface Bar {
    void myMethod();
enum Foo implements Bar {
    VALUE_1 {
        public void myMethod() {

现在您可以访问myMethodinside VALUE_1。当然,您将被迫在其他值或enum本身中实现此方法。此外,您始终可以通过反射访问这些无法通过语言访问的方法。




于 2013-08-23T00:46:49.587 回答


事实上,编译器应该能够看到该方法在枚举常量的类主体之外是不可见的,并且如果它没有被使用就会警告你——我确信 Eclipse 会这样做。正如 dasblinkenlight指出的那样,这样的公共方法实际上可能是对由枚举实现的接口声明的方法的覆盖。



这个问题的问题在于,只有语言设计者才能真正回答它。我只能给出我的看法,那就是:为什么会是错误?语言规范不是免费提供的——JLS 中的所有内容都必须经过精心定义,然后实施和测试。真正的问题是,让它成为错误有什么好处?唯一的事实是,虽然未使用的成员可能表示错误(因此发出警告),但它并没有伤害任何东西。


与上面相同 - 如果未使用变量,编译器或至少某些 IDE 会警告您。这就像您public在嵌套类中声明了一个变量private然后没有在任何地方引用它一样。无论如何,禁止这种情况并不是 JLS 的首要任务,尽管反思的眼睛看到了一切。


在这里,您忘记了成员可能仍会在枚举常量类主体中使用 - 例如考虑一个辅助方法。只是在这种情况下,访问修饰符根本无关紧要,可以省略。



    class Bar { }
    interface Baz { }


    static class Bar { }
    interface Baz { }


class Outer {

    class Inner {
        // nothing static allowed here either!



目前尚不清楚您在这里具体指的是什么功能。请更新问题以指定您正在寻找的确切内容 - 枚举常量类主体中的覆盖方法?领域?辅助方法?辅助类?请说清楚。

于 2013-08-23T01:13:22.953 回答


枚举常量的可选类主体隐式定义了一个匿名类声明(第 15.9.5 节),该声明扩展了直接封闭的枚举类型。


    public void myMethod() {







看看使用 enum 实现的单例模式。您可能希望拥有许多单例,每个单例都有自己的实现。具有重写方法的匿名枚举类声明可能是实现此目的的一种方法。

于 2013-08-23T00:42:48.147 回答