It looks like the User object contains most of the information found on the user detail page within Rally (with the rest seeming to be on UserProfile). - However in Rally I can see the users "Profile Image", but I don't see a way of querying this using the API.

Is there a way to query the user profile image for each user (in particular for all users where the profile image has not been set)?


1 回答 1


WS API对象模型中,User 和 UserProfile 对象都没有指向配置文件图像的属性。

但是,您可以通过遵循以下语法的 URL 访问它:


其中 12345 是用户的 OID。这不受官方支持。此 URL 端点可能会更改,恕不另行通知。

于 2013-08-23T15:48:48.020 回答