public class EmailJobQueue
private EmailJobQueue()
private static readonly object JobsLocker = new object();
private static readonly Queue<EmailJob> Jobs = new Queue<EmailJob>();
private static readonly object ErroredIdsLocker = new object();
private static readonly List<long> ErroredIds = new List<long>();
public static EmailJob GetNextJob()
lock (JobsLocker)
lock (ErroredIdsLocker)
// If there are no jobs or they have all errored then get some new ones - if jobs have previously been skipped then this will re get them
if (!Jobs.Any() || Jobs.All(j => ErroredIds.Contains(j.Id)))
var db = new DBDataContext();
foreach (var emailJob in db.Emailing_SelectSend(1))
// Dont re add jobs that exist
if (Jobs.All(j => j.Id != emailJob.Id) && !ErroredIds.Contains(emailJob.Id))
Jobs.Enqueue(new EmailJob(emailJob));
while (Jobs.Any())
var curJob = Jobs.Dequeue();
// Check the job has not previously errored - if they all have then eventually we will exit the loop
if (!ErroredIds.Contains(curJob.Id))
return curJob;
return null;
public static void ReInsertErrored(long id)
lock (ErroredIdsLocker)
然后我启动 10 个线程来执行此操作:
var email = EmailJobQueue.GetNextJob();
if (email != null)
// Breakpoint here
问题是,如果我在注释所在的位置放置一个断点并将一项添加到队列中,那么该断点会被多次命中。这是我的代码的问题还是 VS 调试器的特殊性?