我确实使用了 ARC,我想确保当我从函数返回时每件事都是不可变的。
- (NSDictionary* )testFunction:(NSArray *)arrayOfObjects
NSMutableDictionary *tmpMutableDic = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
for(MyCustomObject *obj in arrayOfObjects)
if ([tmpMutableDic objectForKey:obj.key] == nil)
// First time we get this key. add key/value paid where the value is immutable array
[tmpMutableDic setObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:obj] forKey:obj.key];
// We got this key before so, build a Mutable array from the existing immutable array and add the object then, convert it to immutable and store it back in the dictionary.
NSMutableArray *tmpMutableArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[tmpMutableDic objectForKey:obj.key]];
[tmpMutableArray addObject:obj];
[tmpMutableDic setObject:[tmpMutableArray copy] forKey:obj.key];
// Return an immutable version of the dictionary.
return [tmpMutableDic copy];