我回来了另一个类似的问题。我目前正在开发一个 Java 程序,该程序将检查图形是否是 2 色的,即它是否不包含奇数循环(奇数长度的循环)。整个算法应该在 O(V+E) 时间内运行(V 是所有顶点,E 是图中的所有边)。我当前的算法进行深度优先搜索,记录路径中的所有顶点,然后查找后边缘,然后记录边缘位于哪些顶点之间。接下来,它从后边缘的一端跟踪一条路径,直到它碰到边缘另一端的另一个顶点,从而追溯后边缘完成的循环。
我的印象是,对于我图中存在的所有循环,这种遍历可以在 O(V+E) 时间内完成,但我一定遗漏了一些东西,因为我的算法运行了非常长的时间。图(10k 个节点,不知道有多少边)。
补充:对不起,我忘了,如果图表不是 2-colorable,我需要提供一个奇数循环来证明它不是。
package algorithms311;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class CS311 {
public static LinkedList[] DFSIter(Vertex[] v) {
LinkedList[] VOandBE = new LinkedList[2];
VOandBE[0] = new LinkedList();
VOandBE[1] = new LinkedList();
Stack stack = new Stack();
while(!stack.empty()) {
Vertex u = (Vertex) stack.peek();
LinkedList adjList = u.getAdjList();
boolean allVisited = true;
for(int i = 0; i < adjList.size(); i++) {
if(v[(Integer)adjList.get(i)].getColor().equals("white")) {
allVisited = false;
else if(v[(Integer)adjList.get(i)].getColor().equals("gray") && u.getPrev() != (Integer)adjList.get(i)) {
int[] edge = new int[2]; //pair of vertices
edge[0] = u.getId(); //from u
edge[1] = (Integer)adjList.get(i); //to v
if(allVisited) {
else {
for(int i = 0; i < adjList.size(); i++) {
if(v[(Integer)adjList.get(i)].getColor().equals("white")) {
return VOandBE;
public static void checkForTwoColor(String g) { //input is a graph formatted as assigned
String graph = g;
try {
// --Read First Line of Input File
// --Find Number of Vertices
FileReader file1 = new FileReader("W:\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\algorithms311\\src\\algorithms311\\" + graph);
BufferedReader bReaderNumEdges = new BufferedReader(file1);
String numVertS = bReaderNumEdges.readLine();
int numVert = Integer.parseInt(numVertS);
System.out.println(numVert + " vertices");
// --Make Vertices
Vertex vertex[] = new Vertex[numVert];
for(int k = 0; k <= numVert - 1; k++) {
vertex[k] = new Vertex(k);
// --Adj Lists
FileReader file2 = new FileReader("W:\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\algorithms311\\src\\algorithms311\\" + graph);
BufferedReader bReaderEdges = new BufferedReader(file2);
bReaderEdges.readLine(); //skip first line, that's how many vertices there are
String edge;
while((edge = bReaderEdges.readLine()) != null) {
StringTokenizer ST = new StringTokenizer(edge);
int vArr[] = new int[2];
for(int j = 0; ST.hasMoreTokens(); j++) {
vArr[j] = Integer.parseInt(ST.nextToken());
LinkedList[] l = new LinkedList[2];
l = DFSIter(vertex);//DFS(vertex);
for(int i = 0; i < l[1].size(); i++) {
int[] j = (int[])l[1].get(i);
System.out.print(" [" + j[0] + ", " + j[1] + "] ");
LinkedList oddCycle = new LinkedList();
boolean is2Colorable = true;
//System.out.println("iterate through list of back edges");
for(int i = 0; i < l[1].size(); i++) { //iterate through the list of back edges
int[] q = (int[])(l[1].get(i)); // q = pair of vertices that make up a back edge
int u = q[0]; // edge (u,v)
int v = q[1];
LinkedList cycle = new LinkedList();
if(l[0].indexOf(u) < l[0].indexOf(v)) { //check if u is before v
for(int z = l[0].indexOf(u); z <= l[0].indexOf(v); z++) { //if it is, look for u first; from u to v
else if(l[0].indexOf(v) < l[0].indexOf(u)) {
for(int z = l[0].indexOf(v); z <= l[0].indexOf(u); z++) { //if it is, look for u first; from u to v
if((cycle.size() & 1) != 0) { //if it has an odd cycle, print out the cyclic nodes or write them to a file
is2Colorable = false;
oddCycle = cycle;
if(!is2Colorable) {
System.out.println("Graph is not 2-colorable, odd cycle exists");
if(oddCycle.size() <= 50) {
else {
try {
BufferedWriter outFile = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("W:\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\algorithms311\\src\\algorithms311\\" + graph + "OddCycle.txt"));
String cyc = oddCycle.toString();
catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Could not write file");
catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Could not open file");
public static void main(String[] args) {
package algorithms311;
import java.util.*;
public class Vertex implements Comparable {
public int id;
public LinkedList adjVert = new LinkedList();
public String color = "white";
public int dTime;
public int fTime;
public int prev;
public boolean visited = false;
public Vertex(int idnum) {
id = idnum;
public int getId() {
return id;
public int compareTo(Object obj) {
Vertex vert = (Vertex) obj;
return id-vert.getId();
@Override public String toString(){
return "Vertex # " + id;
public void setColor(String newColor) {
color = newColor;
public String getColor() {
return color;
public void setDTime(int d) {
dTime = d;
public void setFTime(int f) {
fTime = f;
public int getDTime() {
return dTime;
public int getFTime() {
return fTime;
public void setPrev(int v) {
prev = v;
public int getPrev() {
return prev;
public LinkedList getAdjList() {
return adjVert;
public void addAdj(int a) { //adds a vertex id to this vertex's adj list
public void visited() {
visited = true;
public boolean wasVisited() {
return visited;