I have a web service hosted on remote AIX server, the service has HTTPS access and with basic authentication turned on.

I used ASMX Web References to generate the proxy classes from my .Net 4.0 project. So I have following codes to call to the web service

var service = new ServiceProxy();
service.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("service-uid", "service-pwd");

var response = service.add(request);

That is very simple code. Now I ran Fiddler to inspect the traffic between my local Windows machine and remote Unix server, but I noticed following 4 lines from Fiddler:

  • 200, HTTP, Tunnel To, unix-server-host
  • 401, HTTPS, unix-server-host, /srvcs/method
  • 200, HTTP, Tunnel To, unix-server-host
  • 200, HTTPS, unix-server-host, /srvcs/method

I also opened my log file on AIX server, and confirmed 2 requests coming in within very close time

  • source IP - unauthenticated 22/Aug/2013:14:05:51 -0500 "POST /srvcs/method HTTP/1.0" 401 1244
  • source IP - service-uid 22/Aug/2013:14:05:52 -0500 "POST /srvcs/method HTTP/1.0" 200 3473

My service client issues 2 calls to Unix server, the first one is unauthenticated, the second one is successful - I got proper response.

Anybody understands why .Net client will generate first call without passing credential at all?


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