I am making an application in vb.net that involves listing a large number of files in a listview. However, after 30-40 000 items this gets rather slow and resource demanding. I need a better way to present a large number of items to users. I have though of using pages much like google search results showing 1000 items per page... I have also though of switching between sets of items every time the user hits min and max scrolling position.

What would be the best slution to handeling and presenting large numbers of items in listview? thanks.


1 回答 1


在列表视图中显示大量项目始终不是一个好的解决方案,因为它会导致性能和内存问题。此外,用户无法在单个滚动中看到所有项目。所以总是选择显示数据量较少的项目。但是某些要求可能会强制显示大量项目。VirtualizationPanelVirtualizationStackPanel是一种通过像 Windows 资源管理器一样基于滚动回收和加载项目来提高 UI 响应性和性能的解决方案。


http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.controls.virtualizingstackpanel.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-IN/library/system.windows.controls.virtualizingpanel(v =vs.90).aspx

于 2013-08-22T20:01:42.423 回答