If I am looking at an OBR segment in HL7 -- is there any code/free text that explains what battery of tests is being performed? Place order number and filler order number don't seem right. OBR-31 reason for study explains why the panel was called -- not why standard battery was performed.
218 次
1 回答
价值,通用服务 ID,其中包含正在订购的面板或测试的代码和描述。面板将提供一个代码,而不是面板中包含的组件测试的代码。
阅读本文了解更多信息 通用服务 ID (CE) 00238
成分: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (ST)>
^<alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (ST)>
定义:该字段是请求的观察/测试/电池的标识符代码。这可以基于本地和/或“通用”代码。我们推荐使用“通用”程序标识符。此 CE 数据类型的结构在控制部分中描述。
于 2013-08-23T06:46:25.307 回答