I know people have submitted similar questions, but I've been through the answers as well and not seen a solution that works. I wrote a script that sorts my list of portfolio items in jsfiddle. It looks something like this:


    $( ".music-button" ).click(function() {


On jsfiddle, the script works, but when I plug it into my site's footer, it does not do a thing. Would anyone know why?

I've put everything (stylesheet and all) into jsfiddle, and my site works: http://jsfiddle.net/LbgPF/2/

But when I go to my actual website, my script does not work: http://www.rileydra.com/00_dra/work/branding-and-identity/

I've spent quite a bit of time on this but still think the solution is something simple that I'm overlooking.

Edit: changed the script excerpt to better show the error of my ways.


1 回答 1


You have used noConflict in your page, so $ does not point to jQuery. so instead of using $ in your script you need to use jQuery.

Change the script in sort.js to

//here the shortcut version of dom ready is used, also the jQuery instance is passed as a parameter to the callback function which we assigns to a local parameter $, so we can use $ to refer jQuery inside the callback method

    $( ".technology-button" ).click(function() {

    $( ".retail-button" ).click(function() {

    $( ".real-estate" ).click(function() {

    $( ".publishing-button" ).click(function() {

    $( ".music-button" ).click(function() {

    $( ".churches-button" ).click(function() {

    $( ".health-button" ).click(function() {

    $( ".food-button" ).click(function() {

    $( ".finance-button" ).click(function() {

    $( ".entertainment-button" ).click(function() {

    $( ".education-button" ).click(function() {

    $( ".all-button" ).click(function() {

于 2013-08-22T17:10:17.297 回答