A basic reasoning about why certain services might be loaded after the boot process (Delayed Start) would be:
To improve the boot performance of server and has some security benefits.
Certain services depend on other services to start. In the case of Windows Remote Management Service, it depends on the following services
a. HTTP Service
b. Remote Procedure Call (RPC) (Automatic)
i. DCOM Server Process Launcher (Automatic)
ii. RPC Endpoint Mapper (Automatic)
How can I ensure that the Windows RM service is running before I
attempt to open a remote PowerShell session?
Take a look at the following options and functions I have written to do something you want.
A) You can use Test-Connection to check if the computer is online or not.
Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer -Count 1 -Quiet
B) I have created function StartWinRMIfStopped
that will start "WinRM" service using WMI.
C) Second function is TryToCreateNewPSSession
will attempt to create a new PSSession
or should give you exception object
Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession
$newsession = $null
function StartWinRMIfStopped
Write-Host $ComputerName
$WinRMService = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\cimv2" -class Win32_Service -Impersonation 3 -ComputerName $ComputerName | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "WinRM"}
if($WinRMService.State -eq "Stopped" -or $WinRMService.State -eq "Paused"){
"WinRM Service is" + $WinRMservice.State
"WinRM Service is " + $WinRMservice.State
function TryToCreateNewPSSession{
$newsession = New-PSSession -Computer $computerName -ErrorAction Stop
#Connect-PSSession -Session $newsession
Catch [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException]{
if($error.Exception.Gettype().Name -eq "PSRemotingTransportException"){
Write-host "WinRM service is not started on the server"
Write-host "RuntimeException occured in creating new PSSession to the Server"
Catch [Exception]{
Write-host "Generic Exception while creating PSSession"
If (Test-Connection -Computer $server -count 1 -Quiet) {
#Connection to server successfull
StartWinRMIfStopped $server
Start-Sleep -s 4
#Invoke Command on remote server using trytocreatenewpssession function.
Invoke-Command -Session (TryToCreateNewPSSession $server) -ScriptBlock { write-host "hello world"}
You can invoke the whole script as
PS C:\> .\ScriptName.ps1 remotecomputername