I have a tsv file like this with headers.
Header1 header2 header3 header4 header5
Aa bb dd cc aa
Bb bb aa cc bb
Cc bb cc dd aa
Aa bb ee cc dd
Aa vv ff gg ii
I have a dictionary like {‘0’: ‘aa’, ‘1’:’bb’,’3’:’cc’}
I am supposed to parse through this file, and return rows from the file where every column of index 0 is aa, index 1 is bb and index 3 is cc. In other words, I need to get all the rows where first column is aa, second column is bb and 4th column is cc. So I should be able to print the first 1st and the 4th row from the tsv file, which are
Aa bb dd cc aa
Aa bb ee cc dd
My code snippet does not give the intersection of all these conditions but gives the all the rows where each one of the condition satisfies. Please help me correct my script. The dictionary specified above is named as index dict.
data=csv.reader(open(tsvfile,'rb'),delimiter = "\t")
fields =data.next()
print "-------------------------Rows Filtered-------------------------"
for key,value in indexdict.items():
for row in data:
if row[key]== value:
print row`