. 现在我想计算如果条件为真,则年龄为 2-12 岁,否则年龄应在 0-2 岁之间。那么我们如何计算给定日期的年龄是在 2-12 还是 0-2 之间。
public class Test {
public static void main(String args[]) throws ParseException {
String string = "29/07/13";
Date oneWayTripDate = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM d, yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH).parse(string);
String myFormat = "dd/MM/yy"; //In which you need put here
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(myFormat, Locale.US);
for child age should be between 2-12 (So from Current Date will calulate to 12 yrs .if the date given lies between 2-12yrs then it is true otherwise false)
for infant age should be between 0-12 (So from Current Date will calulate to 2 yrs .if the date given lies between 0-2yrs then it is true otherwise false)