我的用户控件中有带有图像的 ListView。当我把我的图片从图像中删除时重新绘制图片时图片滋养旧。但是,当我第二次在同一张照片上带上时不想重绘,但是当我带走 ListView 的教堂并再次 navozhu 作品时。我以为我可以做一只仿老鼠。或者告诉我一些更好的东西。
static extern bool SetCursorPos(int X, int Y);
API 功能。小心,它适用于mickeys而不是像素:
EntryPoint = "mouse_event",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)]
internal static extern void Mouse_Event(int dwFlags,
int dx,
int dy,
int dwData,
int dwExtraInfo);
EntryPoint = "GetSystemMetrics",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)]
internal static extern int InternalGetSystemMetrics(int value);
// Move mouse cursor to an absolute position to_x, to_y and make left button click:
int to_x = 500;
int to_y = 300;
int screenWidth = InternalGetSystemMetrics(0);
int screenHeight = InternalGetSystemMetrics(1);
// Mickey X coordinate
int mic_x = (int) System.Math.Round(to_x * 65536.0 / screenWidth);
// Mickey Y coordinate
int mic_y = (int) System.Math.Round(to_y * 65536.0 / screenHeight);
// 0x0001 | 0x8000: Move + Absolute position
Mouse_Event(0x0001 | 0x8000, mic_x, mic_y, 0, 0);
// 0x0002: Left button down
Mouse_Event(0x0002, mic_x, mic_y, 0, 0);
// 0x0004: Left button up
Mouse_Event(0x0004, mic_x, mic_y, 0, 0);