
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

/// <summary>
/// This code file saves title information. It is used by both the addTitleFromLansweeper and addTitleManually pages.
/// </summary>
public class AddTitle
    public static void ExecuteInsert(string name, string type, string total)
        int rows = 0;
        //Creates a new connection using the HWM string.
        using (SqlConnection HWM = new SqlConnection(Connections.ConnectionHWM()))
            //Create a Sql String that will only execute when the combination of values in the entry form are unique.
            string sql = " IF NOT EXISTS "
                     + " ( SELECT  1 "
                     + " FROM tblSoftwareTitles "
                     + " WHERE Softwarename = @SoftwareName "
                     + " AND SoftwareSystemType = @Softwaretype "
                     + " ) "
                     + " BEGIN "
                     + " INSERT tblSoftwareTitles (SoftwareName, SoftwareSystemType, TotalLicences) "
                     + " VALUES (@SoftwareName, @SoftwareType, @Licences); "
                     + " END ; ";
            //Open the connection.
                //Create an Sql command.
                using (SqlCommand addSoftware = new SqlCommand
                    CommandType = CommandType.Text,
                    Connection = HWM,
                    CommandTimeout = 300,
                    CommandText = sql
                    //Add parameters to the Sql command.
                    addSoftware.Parameters.Add("@SoftwareName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 200).Value = name;
                    addSoftware.Parameters.Add("@SoftwareType", SqlDbType.Int).Value = type;
                    addSoftware.Parameters.Add("@Licences", SqlDbType.Int).Value = total;
                        //Execute the query.
                        rows = addSoftware.ExecuteNonQuery();
                        if (rows >= 1)
                            //If  a row is added then show a success message box.
                            Alert.Show("Software has been saved!");
                            //If a row isn't added then show a failure message box.
                            Alert.Show("Software title already exists");
                    catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException ex)
                        //If there is a problem with execution then show a Message with the exception

            catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException ex)
                string msg = "Insert Error:";
                msg += ex.Message;
                throw new Exception(msg);


我了解私有静态 void 不会返回结果。我一直在寻找一种方法,将其作为私有静态字符串之类的东西,用我的警报框中的消息声明一个字符串。然后文件后面的代码使用该方法,获取该字符串方法,然后显示警报。

我是在追求一个松散的结局吗?我不断得到在 using 语句中使用的类型必须隐式转换为“system.idisposable”。此方法适用于数据集,但不适用于我想传回我的 asp 页面的简单字符串。



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