如何在我的 JavaScript 中将一种验证类型集成到 If value of var firstName is = to null 不要附加 var sHtml 和 summaryHtml 并更改类以更改文本框边框并清除字段
firstName = must contain at least 1 letter and no more than 15 letters
lastName = must contain at least 1 letter and no more than 15 letters
jobTitle = must contain something other than an option value of "" (in the html option tag)
eSculation = must contain something other than an option value of "" (in the html option tag)
mobilePhone = must contain 9 numbers. This field has a mask attached: (999) 999-99999
officePhone = = must contain 9 numbers. This field has a mask attached: (999) 999-99999
eMail = Must contain the following symbol: an @ sign and a . to represent xxx@xx.xxx
我用来提交表格的 JavaScript 如下:
newRow = 1;
currentRow = -1;
function CompanyContacts() {
var rowID = parseInt(document.getElementById("ContactsRowCount").value, 10);
if (currentRow > 0) {
} else {
var firstName = $("#ccFirst").val();
var lastName = $("#ccLast").val();
var jobTitle = $("#ccjTitle").val();
var eSculation = $("#ccEsculation").val();
var mobilePhone = $("#ccMobile").val();
var officePhone = $("#ccOffice").val();
var eMail = $("#ccEmail").val();
var sHtml = "<tr id='row" + rowID + "'>" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wlb' id=\"ccFirst" + rowID + "\">" + firstName + "</td>" +
"<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + firstName + "\" name=\"cFirst" + rowID + "\" />" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wl' id=\"ccLast" + rowID + "\">" + lastName + "</td>" +
"<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + lastName + "\" name=\"cLast" + rowID + "\" />" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wlb' id=\"ccjTitle" + rowID + "\">" + jobTitle + "</td>" +
"<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + jobTitle + "\" name=\"cJobTitle" + rowID + "\" />" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wl' id=\"ccEsculation" + rowID + "\">" + eSculation + "</td>" +
"<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + eSculation + "\" name=\"cContactPoint" + rowID + "\" />" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wlb' id=\"ccMobile" + rowID + "\">" + mobilePhone + "</td>" +
"<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + mobilePhone + "\" name=\"cMobilePhone" + rowID + "\" />" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wl' id=\"ccOffice" + rowID + "\">" + officePhone + "</td>" +
"<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + officePhone + "\" name=\"cOfficePhone" + rowID + "\" />" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wlb' id=\"ccEmail" + rowID + "\">" + eMail + "</td>" +
"<input type='hidden' value='" + eMail + "' name='cEmail" + rowID + "' />" +
"<td class='tblStyle68wl' ><button type='button' class='XsmallButtons' onclick='editRow(" + rowID + ")'>Edit</button>" +
"</td><td class='tblStyle68wlb' ><button type='button' class='XsmallButtons' onclick='deleteRow(" + rowID + ")'>Delete</button>" +
var summaryHtml = "<tr id='SummaryRow" + rowID + "'>" +
"<td id='ccFirst" + rowID + "'>" + firstName + "</td>" +
"<td id='ccLast" + rowID + "'>" + lastName + "</td>" +
"<td id='ccjTitle" + rowID + "'>" + jobTitle + "</td>" +
"<td id='ccEsculation" + rowID + "'>" + eSculation + "</td>" +
"<td id='ccMobile" + rowID + "'>" + mobilePhone + "</td>" +
"<td id='ccOffice" + rowID + "'>" + officePhone + "</td>" +
"<td id='ccEmail" + rowID + "'>" + eMail + "</td>" +
document.getElementById("ContactsRowCount").value = rowID;
function editRow(rowID) {
$('#ccFirst').val($('#ccFirst' + rowID).html());
$('#ccLast').val($('#ccLast' + rowID).html());
$('#ccjTitle').val($('#ccjTitle' + rowID).html());
$('#ccEsculation').val($('#ccEsculation' + rowID).html());
$('#ccMobile').val($('#ccMobile' + rowID).html());
$('#ccOffice').val($('#ccOffice' + rowID).html());
$('#ccEmail').val($('#ccEmail' + rowID).html());
currentRow = rowID;
function saveEdits() {
$('#ccFirst' + currentRow).html($('#ccFirst').val());
$('#ccLast' + currentRow).html($('#ccLast').val());
$('#ccjTitle' + currentRow).html($('#ccjTitle').val());
$('#ccEsculation' + currentRow).html($('#ccEsculation').val());
$('#ccMobile' + currentRow).html($('#ccMobile').val());
$('#ccOffice' + currentRow).html($('#ccOffice').val());
$('#ccEmail' + currentRow).html($('#ccEmail').val());
currentRow = -1;
function deleteRow(rowID) {
$('#row' + rowID).remove();
$('#SummaryRow' + rowID).remove();
var rowCount = parseInt(document.getElementById("ContactsRowCount").value, 10);
document.getElementById("ContactsRowCount").value = rowCount;
function ccClear() {