试试这个——我想我终于明白你为什么要寻找 RowSource ——对不起,我一开始没有“得到”它。您尝试提取的字段是描述表中的外键。
此函数应该作为所有此类字段的通用解决方案(假设 RowSource 始终首先具有主键,然后是描述)。如果没有 RowSource,它只会拉取字段的值。
它基于您的原始代码,而不是@ron 提出的更改,但它应该让您朝着正确的方向前进。您应该修复它以使其参数化,并允许变体数据类型,正如 ron 建议的那样 (+1 ron)
顺便说一句,在 VBA 中使用 & 符号 ( &
) 将字符串连接在一起以避免出现这样的情况:abc = "1" + 1
,其中 abc 现在等于 2 而不是“11”,如果这两个项目都打算是字符串的话。
Public Function lookUpColumnValue(Database As Database, column As String, table As String, lookUpColumn As String, lookUpValue As String) As String
Dim sql As String
Dim recordSet As DAO.recordSet
Dim result As String
lookUpColumnValue = "" 'Return a blank string if no result
On Error Resume Next
sql = "SELECT [" & table & "].[" & column & "] FROM [" & table & "] WHERE [" & table & "].[" & lookUpColumn & "] = '" & lookUpValue & "'"
Set recordSet = Database.OpenRecordset(sql)
If Not recordSet.EOF Then
Dim td As DAO.TableDef
'this gives your number - say, 19
result = recordSet(column)
Set td = Database.TableDefs(table)
'Get the rowsource
Dim p As DAO.Property
For Each p In td.Fields(column).Properties
If p.Name = "RowSource" Then
RowSource = Replace(td.Fields(column).Properties("RowSource"), ";", "")
Exit For
End If
If Not RowSource = "" Then
Dim rs2 As DAO.recordSet
Dim qd As DAO.QueryDef
Set qd = Database.CreateQueryDef("", RowSource)
Set rs2 = Database.OpenRecordset(RowSource)
If rs2.EOF Then Exit Function
PKField = rs2.Fields(0).Name
sql = "SELECT * FROM (" & RowSource & ") WHERE [" & PKField & "]=[KeyField?]"
Set qd = Database.CreateQueryDef("", sql)
qd.Parameters("KeyField?").Value = result
Set rs2 = qd.OpenRecordset()
If Not rs2.EOF Then
'NOTE: This assumes your RowSource *always* has ID first, description 2nd. This should usually be the case.
lookUpColumnValue = rs2.Fields(1)
End If
'Return the field value if there is no RowSource
lookUpColumnValue = recordSet.Fields(column)
End If
End If
End Function