在较大的应用程序中,通常有多层 IO 缓存(Hibernate L1 和 L2、Spring 缓存等),它们通常是抽象的,因此调用者不需要知道特定的实现会执行 IO。通过一些警告(范围、事务),它允许组件之间的接口更简单。

例如,如果组件 A 需要查询数据库,它不需要知道结果是否已经缓存。它可能已被 B 或 C 检索到,而 A 对此一无所知,但是他们通常会参与某些会话或事务 - 通常是隐式的。

框架倾向于使这种调用与使用 AOP 等技术的简单对象方法调用无法区分。

Haskell 应用程序有可能像这样受益吗?客户端的界面会是什么样子?


2 回答 2


在 Haskell 中,有许多方法可以从代表各自职责的组件中组合计算。这可以在数据级别使用数据类型和函数 ( http://www.haskellforall.com/2012/05/scrap-your-type-classes.html ) 或使用类型类来完成。在 Haskell 中,您可以将每个数据类型、类型、函数、签名、类等视为一个接口;只要您有其他相同类型的东西,您就可以用兼容的东西替换组件。

当我们想推理 Haskell 中的计算时,我们经常使用 a 的抽象Monad。AMonad是用于构建计算的接口。可以使用 构建基础计算,return并且可以将这些计算与使用 产生其他计算的函数组合在一起>>=。当我们想为 monad 表示的计算添加多个职责时,我们制作了 monad 转换器。在下面的代码中,有四种不同的 monad 转换器可以捕获分层系统的不同方面:

DatabaseT s添加具有类型架构的数据库sOperation它通过在数据库中存储数据或从数据库中检索数据来 处理数据。CacheT s拦截Operation模式的sdata 并从内存中检索数据(如果可用)。 OpperationLoggerTOperations 记录到标准输出 将 sResultLoggerT的结果记录Operation到标准输出

这四个组件使用一个名为 的类型类(接口)进行通信MonadOperation s,这要求实现它的组件提供一种方法到performanOperation并返回其结果。

这个相同的类型类描述了使用MonadOperation s系统所需的内容。它要求使用该接口的人提供数据库和缓存所依赖的类型类的实现。此接口还有两种数据类型,OperationCRUD. 请注意,该接口不需要知道有关域对象或数据库模式的任何信息,也不需要知道将实现它的不同 monad 转换器。monad 转换器对模式或域对象一无所知,域对象和示例代码对构建系统的 monad 转换器一无所知。

示例代码唯一知道的是,MonadOperation s由于它的 type ,它将可以访问 a example :: (MonadOperation TableName m) => m ()


Running example program once with an empty database
Operation Articles (Create (Article {title = "My first article", author = "Cirdec", contents = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."}))
    ArticleId 0
Operation Articles (Read (ArticleId 0))
    Just (Article {title = "My first article", author = "Cirdec", contents = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."})
Operation Articles (Read (ArticleId 0))
    Just (Article {title = "My first article", author = "Cirdec", contents = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."})


Running example program once with an empty cache and an empty database
Operation Articles (Create (Article {title = "My first article", author = "Cirdec", contents = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."}))
    ArticleId 0
    Just (Article {title = "My first article", author = "Cirdec", contents = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."})
    Just (Article {title = "My first article", author = "Cirdec", contents = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."})

这是整个源代码。您应该将其视为四段独立的代码: 为我们的领域编写的程序,从example. 一个应用程序,它是程序、话语域和构建它的各种工具的完整组合,从main. 接下来的两个部分,以架构结尾TableName,描述博客文章的领域;它们的唯一目的是说明其他组件如何组合在一起,而不是作为如何在 Haskell 中设计数据结构的示例。下一节描述了一个小接口,组件可以通过该接口进行数据通信;它不一定是一个好的界面。最后,源代码的其余部分实现了组合在一起形成应用程序的记录器、数据库和缓存。为了将工具和接口与域分离,这里有一些关于可类型化和动态的可怕技巧,这也不是为了演示处理转换和泛型的好方法。

{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving, GADTs, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables,  KindSignatures, FunctionalDependencies, UndecidableInstances #-}

module Main (
) where

import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.State.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Dynamic

-- Example

example :: (MonadOperation TableName m) => m ()
example =
        id <- perform $ Operation Articles $ Create $ Article {
            title = "My first article",
            author = "Cirdec",
            contents = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."
        perform $ Operation Articles $ Read id
        perform $ Operation Articles $ Read id
        cid <- perform $ Operation Comments $ Create $ Comment {
            article = id,
            user = "Cirdec",
            comment = "Commenting on my own article!"

        perform $ Operation Equality $ Create False
        perform $ Operation Equality $ Create True
        perform $ Operation Inequality $ Create True
        perform $ Operation Inequality $ Create False

        perform $ Operation Articles $ List
        perform $ Operation Comments $ List
        perform $ Operation Equality $ List
        perform $ Operation Inequality $ List
        return ()

-- Run the example twice, changing the cache transparently to the code

main :: IO ()
main = do
    putStrLn "Running example program once with an empty database"
    runDatabaseT (runOpperationLoggerT (runResultLoggerT example)) Types { types = Map.empty }
    putStrLn "\nRunning example program once with an empty cache and an empty database"
    runDatabaseT (runOpperationLoggerT (runCacheT (runResultLoggerT example) Types { types = Map.empty })) Types { types = Map.empty }        
    return ()

-- Domain objects

data Article = Article {
    title :: String,
    author :: String,
    contents :: String

deriving instance Eq Article
deriving instance Ord Article
deriving instance Show Article
deriving instance Typeable Article

newtype ArticleId = ArticleId Int

deriving instance Eq ArticleId
deriving instance Ord ArticleId
deriving instance Show ArticleId
deriving instance Typeable ArticleId
deriving instance Enum ArticleId

data Comment = Comment {
    article :: ArticleId,
    user :: String,
    comment :: String

deriving instance Eq Comment
deriving instance Ord Comment
deriving instance Show Comment
deriving instance Typeable Comment

newtype CommentId = CommentId Int

deriving instance Eq CommentId
deriving instance Ord CommentId
deriving instance Show CommentId
deriving instance Typeable CommentId
deriving instance Enum CommentId

-- Database Schema

data TableName k v where
    Articles :: TableName ArticleId Article
    Comments :: TableName CommentId Comment
    Equality :: TableName Bool Bool
    Inequality :: TableName Bool Bool

deriving instance Eq (TableName k v)
deriving instance Ord (TableName k v)
deriving instance Show (TableName k v)
deriving instance Typeable2 TableName

-- Data interface (Persistance library types)

data CRUD k v r where
    Create :: v -> CRUD k v k
    Read :: k -> CRUD k v (Maybe v)
    List :: CRUD k v [(k,v)]
    Update :: k -> v -> CRUD k v (Maybe ())
    Delete :: k -> CRUD k v (Maybe ())

deriving instance (Eq k, Eq v) => Eq (CRUD k v r)
deriving instance (Ord k, Ord v) => Ord (CRUD k v r)
deriving instance (Show k, Show v) => Show (CRUD k v r)

data Operation s t k v r where
    Operation :: t ~ s k v => t -> CRUD k v r -> Operation s t k v r

deriving instance (Eq (s k v), Eq k, Eq v) => Eq (Operation s t k v r)
deriving instance (Ord (s k v), Ord k, Ord v) => Ord (Operation s t k v r)
deriving instance (Show (s k v), Show k, Show v) => Show (Operation s t k v r)

class (Monad m) => MonadOperation s m | m -> s where
    perform :: (Typeable2 s, Typeable k, Typeable v, t ~ s k v, Show t, Ord v, Ord k, Enum k, Show k, Show v, Show r) => Operation s t k v r -> m r

-- Database implementation

data Tables t k v = Tables {
    tables :: Map.Map String (Map.Map k v)

deriving instance Typeable3 Tables

emptyTablesFor :: Operation s t k v r -> Tables t k v
emptyTablesFor _ = Tables {tables = Map.empty} 

data Types = Types {
    types :: Map.Map TypeRep Dynamic

-- Database emulator

mapOperation :: (Enum k, Ord k, MonadState (Map.Map k v) m) => (CRUD k v r) -> m r
mapOperation (Create value) = do
    current <- get
    let id = case Map.null current of
            True -> toEnum 0
            _ -> succ maxId where
                (maxId, _) = Map.findMax current
    put (Map.insert id value current)
    return id
mapOperation (Read key) = do
    current <- get
    return (Map.lookup key current)
mapOperation List = do
    current <- get
    return (Map.toList current)
mapOperation (Update key value) = do
    current <- get
    case (Map.member key current) of
        True -> do
            put (Map.update (\_ -> Just value) key current)
            return (Just ())
        _ -> return Nothing
mapOperation (Delete key) = do
    current <- get
    case (Map.member key current) of
        True -> do
            put (Map.delete key current)
            return (Just ())
        _ -> return Nothing

tableOperation :: (Enum k, Ord k, Ord v, t ~ s k v, Show t,  MonadState (Tables t k v) m) => Operation s t k v r -> m r
tableOperation (Operation tableName op) = do
    current <- get
    let currentTables =  tables current
    let tableKey = show tableName
    let table = Map.findWithDefault (Map.empty) tableKey currentTables 
    let (result,newState) = runState (mapOperation op) table
    put Tables { tables = Map.insert tableKey newState currentTables }
    return result

typeOperation :: (Enum k, Ord k, Ord v, t ~ s k v, Show t, Typeable2 s, Typeable k, Typeable v, MonadState Types m) => Operation s t k v r -> m r
typeOperation op = do
    current <- get
    let currentTypes = types current
    let empty = emptyTablesFor op
    let typeKey = typeOf (empty)
    let typeMap = fromDyn (Map.findWithDefault (toDyn empty) typeKey currentTypes) empty
    let (result, newState) = runState (tableOperation op) typeMap
    put Types { types = Map.insert typeKey (toDyn  newState) currentTypes }
    return result

-- Database monad transformer (clone of StateT)

newtype DatabaseT (s :: * -> * -> *) m a = DatabaseT {
    databaseStateT :: StateT Types m a

runDatabaseT :: DatabaseT s m a -> Types -> m (a, Types)  
runDatabaseT = runStateT . databaseStateT

instance (Monad m) => Monad (DatabaseT s m) where
    return = DatabaseT . return
    (DatabaseT m) >>= k = DatabaseT (m >>= \x -> databaseStateT (k x))

instance MonadTrans (DatabaseT s) where
    lift = DatabaseT . lift

instance (MonadIO m) => MonadIO (DatabaseT s m) where
    liftIO = DatabaseT . liftIO      

instance (Monad m) => MonadOperation s (DatabaseT s m) where
    perform = DatabaseT . typeOperation

-- State monad transformer can preserve operations

instance (MonadOperation s m) => MonadOperation s (StateT state m) where
    perform = lift . perform

-- Cache implementation (very similar to emulated database)

cacheMapOperation :: (Enum k, Ord k, Ord v, t ~ s k v, Show t, Show k, Show v, Typeable2 s, Typeable k, Typeable v, MonadState (Map.Map k v) m, MonadOperation s m) =>  Operation s t k v r -> m r
cacheMapOperation op@(Operation _ (Create value)) = do
    key <- perform op
    modify (Map.insert key value)
    return key
cacheMapOperation op@(Operation _ (Read key)) = do
    current <- get
    case (Map.lookup key current) of
        Just value -> return (Just value) 
        _ -> do
            value <- perform op
            modify (Map.update (\_ -> value) key)
            return value
cacheMapOperation op@(Operation _ (List)) = do
    values <- perform op
    modify (Map.union (Map.fromList values))
    current <- get
    return (Map.toList current)
cacheMapOperation op@(Operation _ (Update key value)) = do
    successful <- perform op
    modify (Map.update (\_ -> (successful >>= (\_ -> Just value))) key)
    return successful
cacheMapOperation op@(Operation _ (Delete key)) = do
    result <- perform op
    modify (Map.delete key)
    return result

cacheTableOperation :: (Enum k, Ord k, Ord v, t ~ s k v, Show t, Show k, Show v, Typeable2 s, Typeable k, Typeable v,  MonadState (Tables t k v) m, MonadOperation s m) => Operation s t k v r -> m r
cacheTableOperation op@(Operation tableName _) = do
    current <- get
    let currentTables =  tables current
    let tableKey = show tableName
    let table = Map.findWithDefault (Map.empty) tableKey currentTables 
    (result,newState) <- runStateT (cacheMapOperation op) table
    put Tables { tables = Map.insert tableKey newState currentTables }
    return result

cacheTypeOperation :: (Enum k, Ord k, Ord v, t ~ s k v, Show t, Show k, Show v, Typeable2 s, Typeable k, Typeable v, MonadState Types m, MonadOperation s m) => Operation s t k v r -> m r
cacheTypeOperation op = do
    current <- get
    let currentTypes = types current
    let empty = emptyTablesFor op
    let typeKey = typeOf (empty)
    let typeMap = fromDyn (Map.findWithDefault (toDyn empty) typeKey currentTypes) empty
    (result, newState) <- runStateT (cacheTableOperation op) typeMap
    put Types { types = Map.insert typeKey (toDyn  newState) currentTypes }
    return result

-- Cache monad transformer

newtype CacheT (s :: * -> * -> *) m a = CacheT {
    cacheStateT :: StateT Types m a

runCacheT :: CacheT s m a -> Types -> m (a, Types)  
runCacheT = runStateT . cacheStateT

instance (Monad m) => Monad (CacheT s m) where
    return = CacheT . return
    (CacheT m) >>= k = CacheT (m >>= \x -> cacheStateT (k x))

instance MonadTrans (CacheT s) where
    lift = CacheT . lift

instance (MonadIO m) => MonadIO (CacheT s m) where
    liftIO = CacheT . liftIO      

instance (Monad m, MonadOperation s m) => MonadOperation s (CacheT s m) where
    perform = CacheT . cacheTypeOperation

-- Logger monad transform

newtype OpperationLoggerT m a = OpperationLoggerT {
    runOpperationLoggerT :: m a

instance (Monad m) => Monad (OpperationLoggerT m) where
    return = OpperationLoggerT . return
    (OpperationLoggerT m) >>= k = OpperationLoggerT (m >>= \x -> runOpperationLoggerT (k x))

instance MonadTrans (OpperationLoggerT) where
    lift = OpperationLoggerT

instance (MonadIO m) => MonadIO (OpperationLoggerT m) where
    liftIO = OpperationLoggerT . liftIO    

instance (MonadOperation s m, MonadIO m) => MonadOperation s (OpperationLoggerT m) where
    perform op = do
        liftIO $ putStrLn $ show op
        lift (perform op)      

-- Result logger

newtype ResultLoggerT m a = ResultLoggerT {
    runResultLoggerT :: m a

instance (Monad m) => Monad (ResultLoggerT m) where
    return = ResultLoggerT . return
    (ResultLoggerT m) >>= k = ResultLoggerT (m >>= \x -> runResultLoggerT (k x))

instance MonadTrans (ResultLoggerT) where
    lift = ResultLoggerT

instance (MonadIO m) => MonadIO (ResultLoggerT m) where
    liftIO = ResultLoggerT . liftIO    

instance (MonadOperation s m, MonadIO m) => MonadOperation s (ResultLoggerT m) where
    perform op = do
        result <- lift (perform op)
        liftIO $ putStrLn $ "\t" ++ (show result)
        return result


于 2013-08-22T10:35:11.350 回答

在 Haskell 中,您确实需要(并且想要!)了解任何执行 IO 的操作。


您可以使用MonadIO类型类编写在任何允许执行 IO 操作的 monad 中工作的函数:

myFunctionUsingIO :: (MonadIO m) => ... -> m someReturntype
myFunctionUsingIO = do
  -- some code
  liftIO $ ... -- some IO code
  -- some other code

由于 Haskell 中的许多编程接口都是通过 monad 表达的,因此这样的函数可能在更多的上下文中工作。

您还可以使用unsafePerformIO纯代码秘密地运行 IO 操作 - 但是在几乎所有情况下都不建议这样做。纯粹可以让您立即查看是否使用了副作用。

IO 缓存是一个副作用,如果你的类型反映了这一点,你就很好了。

于 2013-08-21T23:54:43.537 回答