Is it possible to divide an Array?
array(2) As String
array(1) = "test1"
array(2) = "test2"
~ Now Split
array1 (contains test1) & array 2 (contains test2)
I want to implement a Binarysearch
Sub split_array()
Dim array1(1 To 2) As String
Dim array2(1 To 2) As String
Dim array3(1 To 2) As String
array1(1) = "Test1"
array1(2) = "Test2"
array2(1) = array1(1)
array3(1) = array1(2)
End Sub
但我怀疑这不是最好的方法。我认为使用 3 个(可能是长整数)变量来表示数组中的位置会做得更好。1 表示第一个元素,1 表示最后一个元素,1 表示中间元素。
Dim lLowerSearchElement As Long
Dim lUpperSearchElement As Long
Dim lMiddleSearchElement As Long
Dim array1(1 to 999) as string
lLowerSearchElement = 1
lUpperSearchElement = 999
lMiddleSearchElement = (lUpperSearchElement + lLowerSearchElement) / 2
编辑 22/08/13
Function bCheckSamplePoint(ByRef lSamplePointArray() As String, ByRef bfound As Boolean, _
ByVal lSamplePoint As String) As Boolean
'byref used for the array as could be slow to keep copying the array, bFound is used by calling procedure
Dim lLowerSearchElement As Long
Dim lUpperSearchElement As Long
Dim lMiddleSearchElement As Long
bfound = False 'False until found
'Set initial limits of the search
lLowerSearchElement = 0
lUpperSearchElement = UBound(lSamplePointArray())
Do While lLowerSearchElement <= lUpperSearchElement And bfound = False
lMiddleSearchElement = (lUpperSearchElement + lLowerSearchElement) / 2
If StrComp(lSamplePointArray(lMiddleSearchElement), lSamplePoint, vbTextCompare) = -1 Then
' 'Must be greater than middle element
lLowerSearchElement = lMiddleSearchElement + 1
ElseIf (lSamplePointArray(lMiddleSearchElement) = lSamplePoint) Then
bfound = True
'must be lower than middle element
lUpperSearchElement = lMiddleSearchElement - 1
End If 'lSamplePointArray(lmiddlesearchlelemnt) < lSamplePoint
Loop 'While lLowerSearchElement <= lUpperSearchElement
bCheckSamplePoint = bReturn
Exit Function
我的 VBA 版本的二分搜索可以在找到
Public Function splitArray(ByVal initial_array As Variant, Optional chunk_size As Long = 1) As Variant()
Dim split_array() As Variant
Dim chunk() As Variant
Dim chunk_index As Integer: chunk_index = 0
Dim array_index As Integer: array_index = 1
If UBound(initial_array) > chunk_size Then
For i = 0 To UBound(initial_array)
If (i + 1) / (chunk_size * array_index) = 1 Or i = UBound(initial_array) Then
ReDim Preserve chunk(chunk_index)
chunk(chunk_index) = initial_array(i)
ReDim Preserve split_array(array_index - 1)
split_array(array_index - 1) = chunk
chunk_index = 0
array_index = array_index + 1
ReDim Preserve chunk(chunk_index)
chunk(chunk_index) = initial_array(i)
chunk_index = chunk_index + 1
End If
Next i
splitArray = split_array
ReDim Preserve split_array(0)
split_array(0) = initial_array
splitArray = split_array
End If
End Function