I have following: index.php

<form method="get" action="rezultat.php" name="form-area" id="form-area" class="form-area" />
   <h4>Informatii despre prieten</h4>

   <input type="text" id="name" name="nu" placeholder="" maxlength="25" required />
   <input type="text" id="name" name="pr" placeholder="" maxlength="25" required />
   <input type="text" id="name" name="va" placeholder="" maxlength="2" required  />
   <input type="text" id="name" name="lo" placeholder="" maxlength="25" required />

   <h4>Informatii despre tine</h4>

   <input type="text" id="name" name="np" placeholder="" maxlength="25" required />    
   <input type="text" id="name" name="pn" placeholder="" maxlength="4" required />

   <select name="stire" required >
       <option value="Nu ai selectat">Selecteaza</option>
       <option value="0">................................ </option>
       <option value="Bautor de sperma">[MASCULIN] - Bautor de sperma </option>
       <option value="Protest in chiloti">[MASCULIN] - Protest in chiloti </option>
       <option value="Si-a taiat penisul">[MASCULIN] - Si-a taiat penisul </option>
       <option value="Masturbare in public">[MASCULIN] - Masturbare in public </option>
       <option value="Fan Facebook">[MASCULIN] - Fan Facebook </option>
       <option value="0">................................ </option>
       <option value="Prostituata anului">[FEMININ] - Prostituata anului </option>
       <option value="Cu sanii la vedere">[FEMININ] - Cu sanii la vedere </option>
       <option value="Sex oral in public">[FEMININ] - Sex oral in public </option>
       <option value="A violat un mos">[FEMININ] - A violat un mos </option>
       <option value="Miss Urzica">[FEMININ] - Miss Urzica </option>
  <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />  


    <?php include 'config.php'; include 'colectare.php'; ?>
    <? echo $link; ?> //that show url link



    $conexiune = mysql_connect($host,$user_name,$pwd) or die("Nu ma pot conecta la MySQL!");
     mysql_select_db($database_name, $conexiune) or die("Nu gasesc baza de date");




    $db=mysql_connect($host, $user_name, $pwd);
    if (mysql_error() > "") print mysql_error() . "<br>";
    mysql_select_db($database_name, $db);
    if (mysql_error() > "") print mysql_error() . "<br>";

      $find = array ("/ /");

      $replace = array ("+");

      $link = $adresa.'stiri.php?        pn='.ucwords($_GET["pn"]).'&nu='.ucwords($_GET["nu"]).'&pr='.ucwords($_GET["pr"]).'&va='.ucwords($_GET["va"]).'&lo='.ucwords($_GET["lo"]).'&stire='.$_GET["stire"];

      $link = preg_replace($find,$replace,$link);

      $stire = $_GET["stire"];

      $np = htmlentities($_GET['np'], ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5);

      $pn = $_GET["pn"];

      $datetime = gmDate('Y-m-d H:i:s');

      $query = "insert into stiri (url, stire, np, pn, hits, datetime) values ('" . $link . "', '" . $stire . "', '" . $np . "', '" . $pn . "', '" . $hits . "',  NOW())";
    $result = mysql_query($query);



    <? include_once "config.php"; ?>


      $find = array ("+");
      $replace = array ("/ /");
      $pn = ucwords($_GET["pn"]);
      $nu = ucwords($_GET["nu"]); 
      $pr = ucwords($_GET["pr"]); 
      $va = ucwords($_GET["va"]); 
      $lo = ucwords($_GET["lo"]); 
      $stire = $_GET["stire"];    

    if($stire == "Bautor de sperma"){  // TITLUL FARSEI
       echo include("bautor-de-sperma.php");   // PAGINA PHP A FARSEI
    elseif($stire == "Protest in chiloti"){       // TITLUL FARSEI
       echo include("protest.php");   // PAGINA PHP A FARSEI
    elseif($stire == "Si-a taiat penisul"){       // TITLUL FARSEI
       echo include("taiat.php");   // PAGINA PHP A FARSEI
    elseif($stire == "Masturbare in public"){       // TITLUL FARSEI
       echo include("masturbare.php");   // PAGINA PHP A FARSEI
    elseif($stire == "Fan Facebook"){       // TITLUL FARSEI
       echo include("facebook.php");   // PAGINA PHP A FARSEI
    elseif($stire == "Prostituata anului"){       // TITLUL FARSEI
       echo include("prostituata.php");   // PAGINA PHP A FARSEI
    elseif($stire == "Cu sanii la vedere"){       // TITLUL FARSEI
       echo include("sani.php");   // PAGINA PHP A FARSEI
    elseif($stire == "Sex oral in public"){       // TITLUL FARSEI
       echo include("sex.php");   // PAGINA PHP A FARSEI
    elseif($stire == "A violat un mos"){       // TITLUL FARSEI
       echo include("viol.php");   // PAGINA PHP A FARSEI
    elseif($stire == "Miss Urzica"){    
       echo include("urzica.php");  

      echo "Ne pare rau, insa aceasta stire nu mai exista. Vezi mai multe <a         href='http://site.ro'>AICI</a>";

and i give u and one page, urzica.php for example wich contain following::

    <? echo $nu; ?> , <? echo $pr; ?> , <? echo $va; ?> , <? echo $lo; ?>

With that metod, all informations are stored in database, but link it's show all informations, cuz i use get method . The link its offered like that: http://site.ro/stiri.php?pn=SOMETHING&nu=SOMETHING&pr=SOMETHING&va=SOMETHING&lo=SOMETHING&stire=SELECTED-ONE

I want to use post method, and that complicated my brain, and to show me something like that: http://site.ro/stire.php?nume=NAME-FROM-SELECT-FORM

I hope to understand something guys


1 回答 1


I'm not 100% certain what you're after, but this MySQL class should help. Basically, all your operations on the database go through here, and you will get that unique id you want on MySQL INSERT commands:


To use it, set up your connection parameters:

$db_host     = 'localhost';
$db_username = 'USER';
$db_password = 'PWD';
$db_database = 'DB';

$GLOBALS['db'] = new MySQL($db_host, $db_username, $db_password, $db_database);     
if(!function_exists("getDB")) {
  function getDB() {

Then, in your code, require that MySQL class,


and make inserts like:

$db = getDB();
$id = $db->insert("insert into stiri (url, stire, np, pn, hits, datetime) values ('" . $link . "', '" . $stire . "', '" . $np . "', '" . $pn . "', '" . $hits . "',  NOW())");

and get the row's ID from the $id variable.

To get data out of your database, you could make queries via methods like this:

$result = $db->execute("SELECT * FROM stiri WHERE id = '$id'");
于 2013-08-21T17:08:45.170 回答