I have following: index.php
<form method="get" action="rezultat.php" name="form-area" id="form-area" class="form-area" />
<h4>Informatii despre prieten</h4>
<input type="text" id="name" name="nu" placeholder="" maxlength="25" required />
<input type="text" id="name" name="pr" placeholder="" maxlength="25" required />
<input type="text" id="name" name="va" placeholder="" maxlength="2" required />
<input type="text" id="name" name="lo" placeholder="" maxlength="25" required />
<h4>Informatii despre tine</h4>
<input type="text" id="name" name="np" placeholder="" maxlength="25" required />
<input type="text" id="name" name="pn" placeholder="" maxlength="4" required />
<select name="stire" required >
<option value="Nu ai selectat">Selecteaza</option>
<option value="0">................................ </option>
<option value="Bautor de sperma">[MASCULIN] - Bautor de sperma </option>
<option value="Protest in chiloti">[MASCULIN] - Protest in chiloti </option>
<option value="Si-a taiat penisul">[MASCULIN] - Si-a taiat penisul </option>
<option value="Masturbare in public">[MASCULIN] - Masturbare in public </option>
<option value="Fan Facebook">[MASCULIN] - Fan Facebook </option>
<option value="0">................................ </option>
<option value="Prostituata anului">[FEMININ] - Prostituata anului </option>
<option value="Cu sanii la vedere">[FEMININ] - Cu sanii la vedere </option>
<option value="Sex oral in public">[FEMININ] - Sex oral in public </option>
<option value="A violat un mos">[FEMININ] - A violat un mos </option>
<option value="Miss Urzica">[FEMININ] - Miss Urzica </option>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />
<?php include 'config.php'; include 'colectare.php'; ?>
<? echo $link; ?> //that show url link
$conexiune = mysql_connect($host,$user_name,$pwd) or die("Nu ma pot conecta la MySQL!");
mysql_select_db($database_name, $conexiune) or die("Nu gasesc baza de date");
$db=mysql_connect($host, $user_name, $pwd);
if (mysql_error() > "") print mysql_error() . "<br>";
mysql_select_db($database_name, $db);
if (mysql_error() > "") print mysql_error() . "<br>";
$find = array ("/ /");
$replace = array ("+");
$link = $adresa.'stiri.php? pn='.ucwords($_GET["pn"]).'&nu='.ucwords($_GET["nu"]).'&pr='.ucwords($_GET["pr"]).'&va='.ucwords($_GET["va"]).'&lo='.ucwords($_GET["lo"]).'&stire='.$_GET["stire"];
$link = preg_replace($find,$replace,$link);
$stire = $_GET["stire"];
$np = htmlentities($_GET['np'], ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5);
$pn = $_GET["pn"];
$datetime = gmDate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$query = "insert into stiri (url, stire, np, pn, hits, datetime) values ('" . $link . "', '" . $stire . "', '" . $np . "', '" . $pn . "', '" . $hits . "', NOW())";
$result = mysql_query($query);
<? include_once "config.php"; ?>
$find = array ("+");
$replace = array ("/ /");
$pn = ucwords($_GET["pn"]);
$nu = ucwords($_GET["nu"]);
$pr = ucwords($_GET["pr"]);
$va = ucwords($_GET["va"]);
$lo = ucwords($_GET["lo"]);
$stire = $_GET["stire"];
if($stire == "Bautor de sperma"){ // TITLUL FARSEI
echo include("bautor-de-sperma.php"); // PAGINA PHP A FARSEI
elseif($stire == "Protest in chiloti"){ // TITLUL FARSEI
echo include("protest.php"); // PAGINA PHP A FARSEI
elseif($stire == "Si-a taiat penisul"){ // TITLUL FARSEI
echo include("taiat.php"); // PAGINA PHP A FARSEI
elseif($stire == "Masturbare in public"){ // TITLUL FARSEI
echo include("masturbare.php"); // PAGINA PHP A FARSEI
elseif($stire == "Fan Facebook"){ // TITLUL FARSEI
echo include("facebook.php"); // PAGINA PHP A FARSEI
elseif($stire == "Prostituata anului"){ // TITLUL FARSEI
echo include("prostituata.php"); // PAGINA PHP A FARSEI
elseif($stire == "Cu sanii la vedere"){ // TITLUL FARSEI
echo include("sani.php"); // PAGINA PHP A FARSEI
elseif($stire == "Sex oral in public"){ // TITLUL FARSEI
echo include("sex.php"); // PAGINA PHP A FARSEI
elseif($stire == "A violat un mos"){ // TITLUL FARSEI
echo include("viol.php"); // PAGINA PHP A FARSEI
elseif($stire == "Miss Urzica"){
echo include("urzica.php");
echo "Ne pare rau, insa aceasta stire nu mai exista. Vezi mai multe <a href='http://site.ro'>AICI</a>";
and i give u and one page, urzica.php for example wich contain following::
<? echo $nu; ?> , <? echo $pr; ?> , <? echo $va; ?> , <? echo $lo; ?>
With that metod, all informations are stored in database, but link it's show all informations, cuz i use get method . The link its offered like that: http://site.ro/stiri.php?pn=SOMETHING&nu=SOMETHING&pr=SOMETHING&va=SOMETHING&lo=SOMETHING&stire=SELECTED-ONE
I want to use post method, and that complicated my brain, and to show me something like that: http://site.ro/stire.php?nume=NAME-FROM-SELECT-FORM
I hope to understand something guys