所以我的团队正在使用 Cucumber、Rspec 和使用这些测试框架所需的所有 gem 来推出我们的 rails 应用程序(一个调查和 lite 电子记录系统)。我正在设置 Jenkins CI 服务器,并希望在我们的测试、开发和暂存环境中标准化我们的数据库(我们最终选择了 MySQL)。
在将测试环境从 SQlite 切换到 MySQL 后,我们发现了一些与缓存相关的测试错误,我们通过使用相对 id 而不是硬编码的 id 解决了这些错误。例子:
describe "#instance_method" do
before(:each) do
@survey = FactoryGirl.create(:survey)
@question_1 = FactoryGirl.create(:question)
@question_2 = FactoryGirl.create(:question)
context "question has no requirements" do
it "should match" do
# below breaks under MySQL (and postgres), but not SQlite
expect { @survey.present_question?(2) }.to be_true
# always works
expect { @survey.present_question?(@question_2.id) }.to be_true
在解决了这个失败的规范之后,我解决了一些不相关的 ajax 问题,这些问题永远困扰着我们的测试套件。想着终于掌握了测试的艺术,我自信地跑了起来rake
现在,当孤立运行时,当然会cucumber features/presenting_default_questions.feature
Feature: Dynamic Presentation of Questions
In order to only answer questions that are relevant considering previously answered questions
As a patient
I want to not be presented questions that illogical given my previously answered question on the survey
Scenario: Answering a question that does not depend on any other questions
Given I have the following questions:
| prompt | datatype | options | parent_id | requirement |
| Do you like cars? | bool | | | |
| Do you like fruit? | bool | | | |
When I visit the patient sign in page
And I fill out the form with the name "Jim Dog", date of birth "1978-03-30", and gender "male"
And I accept the waiver
Then I should see the question "Do you like cars"
When I respond to the boolean question with "Yes"
Then I should see the question "Do you like fruit?"
When I respond to the boolean question with "No"
Given I wait for the ajax request to finish
Then I should be on the results page
Then(/^I should be on the results page$/) do
# fails under ``rake`` passes when run in isolation
current_path.should == results_survey_path(1)
Then(/^I should be on the results page$/) do
# passes in isolation and under ``rake``
current_path.should == results_survey_path(Survey.last.id)
除了使用之外Capybara.javascript_driver = :webkit
,黄瓜/数据库清理器配置未修改rails g cucumber:install
似乎失败的 rspec 和 cucumber 测试都遇到了同样的索引问题。虽然上面提出的解决方案有效,但它非常笨拙,并提出了一个问题,即为什么简单的绝对索引不起作用(在每个场景和功能之间清理了所有数据库之后)。我的测试有问题吗?使用 database_cleaner?
- 活动模型(3.2.14)
- 黄瓜 (1.3.6)
- 黄瓜导轨 (1.3.1)
- database_cleaner (1.0.1)
- 水豚 (2.1.0)
- 水豚 webkit (1.0.0)
- mysql2 (0.3.13)
- rspec (2.13.0)