int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
@autoreleasepool {
int userInput= 6 ;
char userChar='\0';
//creating new instances
Dice *a = [[Dice alloc] init];
//creating new objects
Die *d1 = [[Die alloc] initWithSides:&userInput];
Die *d2 = [[Die alloc] initWithSides:&userInput];
//adding dices
[a addDice:d1];
[a addDice:d2];
printf("Press R to roll dices and Q to exit \n> ");
if (userChar == 'r' | userChar =='R')
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
[a rollDice];
printf("Dice 1 =%d\n",d1.returns);
printf("Dice 2 =%d\n",d2.returns);
printf("The total values of both dice is %d\n",a.totalValue);
printf("Does the dices have same value? Y(1) N(0) => %d\n\n",a.allSame);
else if (userChar == 'q' | userChar == 'Q')
return 0;
printf("Enter a valid command!\n");
我试图创建一个重复的循环,当按下 r 时,当用户想要退出程序时做掷骰子和 q。否则,请不断重复,直到输入正确的输入。但我不明白为什么如果我输入一个输入,它会重复其他阶段?像这样,
Press R to roll dices and Q to exit
Enter a valid command!
Press R to roll dices and Q to exit
>Enter a valid command! //Why does it repeats itself here??
Press R to roll dices and Q to exit